GP appointment and faint cheapy

Aww thanks Jenny! Glad to hear as well that the faint cheapy is common with lots of us. Not too nice when you see it - I thought eek hang on!
You'll have to jump straight on here after the nuchal and let us know how it went! It'll all be great :yay:
Did you have an early scan? I don't think my GP mentioned one of these - aw I want to see baby sunny!!
Nor did she mention bloods come to think - what were they for?
I'll bet, well here's a lil treat for the meantime

hey mummy :wave: xxxx

Sunny, am now past 5 weeks and still doing cheapie tests every few days just to make sure. this mornings was appearing before the control line had appeared, but they are still quite faint. Think they are just a bit useless at giving a 100% answer! Thanks to CB Digi's we don't have to worry now!
Hi sweet,
We paid for a private scan at 11 weeks as I didn't end up seeing a midwife until I was 11+6 & we wanted to know everything was ok. The bloods are normal, your midwife will book you in when you see her, it's for AIDS, HepB, Syphallis etc loads and loads of stuff. Hoping all is ok too with my nuchal scan, i'm a bit scared... Eeek! X
hello my love...loving your ticker yay...sorry to hear what the doc told you :(

dont worry about the cheapies...mine didnt start to get darker til just the past week or so...

you will feel great and then you hit 5 weeks and 3 days (ie like me) and your boobs will be come soooooooooooooooooo sore!! lol..if they weren't so painful it would be funny how sore they are, if that makes

i did a CB digi again tonight....3+ weeks....yippeeeee....he he

EmmBee - you are so right! CBdigis are the way forward!!

Jennyfarful - wow you had a late midwife appt! Don't blame you for private scan! Aw your nuchal will be AOK - I totally understand you're worried (look at me worrying about everything just a few days in to knowing!!) but it'll all be so fine :)

Samsgirl - yay for 3+!!!! Sorry to hear about the boobs - good grief a woman's lot and all that!!

They take ages to get stronger the cheapies mine got dark ish at 5 weeks and after 5 week they went super dark x
Yeah I'm sure it will be fine, I'm just a perpetual worrier!

Look at your lovely tickers, loving the blue and pink ;-) Tried to keep mine quite neutral with the greens :-) x
i'm trying to be neutral too...although i want pink...ha ha...well iw ant healthy...that will do for now xxx
Just thought I'd say hi Sunny! Sorry to hear what the doc said, but at least march isnt far off and you'll soon get to see ickle sunny!!

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