Got woken up by Pip kicking


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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My little lad is finally strong enough to wake me up! Not sure how long I'll be pleased about this for when he starts doin it every night and at stupid o'clock (he woke me at half 6 this morning!) but I'm chuffed he can kick strong enough!!

He is being very very active this morning, my whole belly is moving when he is kicking! It's amazing to watch!

Bit of a pointless thread but hey ho! Lol!

:love: :love:
How exciting!! Enjoy every's a reminder u have something so precious growing inside of you! X
That's so great! I now generally get woken up a couple of times in the night with kicking - I still enjoy it though! I actually get worried if I haven't been woken up as frequently. Little wriggly bumps are the best! xxxxx
Oh wow thats amazing, even at that hour of d morning lol so lucky you can see it happen too

Yaiii for pip :) xxx
That is great. I'm going to tell my bump that and see if she will wake me tonight (following on from Zoe's thread it might make her competitive with your Pip).
aww, mines only just started kicking a bit so its still tummy lurches but that will be awesome to see when it happens to me, im playing lyssa disney songs thru headphones and she seems to like some of them lol
I read to Pip every night. He has animal stories :D he lies still when I'm reading and starts kicking when I stop!
Love it! Your little Pip already has such a great personality!

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