got pathology results back *app now on mon*

thanks for your posts :hug:
just an updade, i contacted a consultant in the states who does x chromosome reasearch i told him all about my history and he thinks its a possibility that it could be x chromosome linked he has given me the name of the test they need to carry out to test this and he has told me to give his details to my gp and he will answer any questions he may have, so i have an appointment with my gp on monday.
please dont think that im chasing things cause im not coping with all this,(as my mother in law thinks) i feel that im actually the opposite i think im coping very well but just feel that im not happy with being told it was just 'bad luck' or a 'chance thing'
so hopefully i will find out one way or another, what ever happens i will keep you posted.
My mum has given birth to 6 live girls, but miscarried 4 boys at various stages of pregnancy. She was told that it was a genetic problem although obviously it being a while ago ( the first one would have been 32 years ago :shock: ) there wasn't much information.

The good news in all that is that she managed to have all the girls with the miscarriages coming inbetween the pregnancies that continued. :hug:

Whatever the problem was it hasn't passed to any of us as so far each of us has had at least one boy.
thanks libs
it soo confusing all this genetic stuff, its quite scary when you go into it as you dont know what you will find i suppose thats why its not really offered it. At the end of the day if its found to be an x linked problem the only way to prevent it would be ivf which i dont really know if i would consider this :think: but i still think i would rather know and take my chances.
I hope you manage to get the answers that you want hun, its tough not knowing and wanting answers isnt it. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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