i went back to mat unit, contractions mild to moderate and every 10 minutes, not in established labour yet. Not surprised cos pain is still ok, managing with tens and breathing.
They said I could stay at unit, or go home. I've opted to go home, which is where I am now. It could be hours before I have 2 or 3 contractions every 10 mins and be ready for the pool.
Feel better here, easier to relax, more to keep me occupied and more chance of a nap if I want to.
I think the more relaxed I am the faster the contractions will come on.
Also the midwife I saw was at the end of a 12 hour shift and is dead on her feet.
When I call to go back in when I have 2 contractions every 10 mins there will be a new refreshed midwife, and she lives in my town so can get to the house within mins if needed.
Hopefully I'll get some more frequent contractions soon