Got my voucher!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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I sent off my form about 2 weeks ago for my real nappy voucher and got it in the post today :)

There arent any retailers that accept the voucher with payment so Ill have to buy the nappies and then send reciepts off but thats fine by me.

Ooo now I get to pick my nappies!
Some councils offer intensives as part of their recycling schemes. I think I put a list at the top of this board ;)
ooh thanks, I hadnt spotted that. My council do bugger all. typical!
I was worried my council would stop it, as it says the vouchers are on a first come first served all excited earlier :D
My council don't do anything like this. (Voucher scheme or some money back) However for one week in a year they have a display with an advisor on resuable nappies x
Some councils offer you loads of money for it! Confuses me that some are doing nothing for it, whereas others are doing loads. Do they pick areas that are more likely to use reusables for the scheme? :???:
Ours only offered £20-£30 anyway the tight gits lol! Suppose it's better than a kick in the teeth!
yeah my area has a higher than average number of people on benefits and so council tax is quite expensive for the rest of us! :wall: bet they dont get that much income, and yeah, there are posters everywhere telling you how you really should USE your child trust fund voucher (like I should need telling) so I doubt vouchers for reusable nappies would be used at all.

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