Got booking in appointment!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Finally got booking in appointment through, abit disappointment as its not until 16th Feb, I'll be 10+3 by then :( I suppose it'll be less time until my next one then though.

Just wondering what will happen about my scan, if they book it then?? Might be too late :eh:

Did you ladies get it through before mw appointment? x x
Hi hon, l got my midwife appointment on 17th Feb and just received a scan date for the 24th Feb so hopefully you'll get a letter soon. I did think my booking in appointment was a bit late too but the bhai website says between 8 and 10 weeks :) xxx
Here you get your scan done at your booking in appointment. Mine is when I am 13+4. It is rubbish having to wait but like you said it should make the wait for the next appointment and 20 week scan seem shorter.
Ah bet that feels like a long wait! My midwife rang and booked my scan while i was at my booking in appt. So think it varys depending on the area?
Hi hon, l got my midwife appointment on 17th Feb and just received a scan date for the 24th Feb so hopefully you'll get a letter soon. I did think my booking in appointment was a bit late too but the bhai website says between 8 and 10 weeks :) xxx

Don't feel too bad now as your appointment is day after mine :) Oooo hope I get my scan through soon too then :D I thought it was between 6 and 8 weeks, they must have changed it. That's ok then :) thanks hun x x
My booking in appt was 19th Dec and my first scan, which I was only told about at my booking in appt, was 21st Dec. So I really didn't have very long to wait at all :) x

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I saw my midwife at 10+1 weeks (friday) and she faxed the hospital to sort out scan date, which came through the post a few days later (thurs) for 12+4 weeks xx
I was over 10 weeks when I had my first booking in appointment with midwife. I see my doctor at 4 weeks and he booked my scan date for me but as yours hasn't been booked yet I assume the midwife will sort this for you. x

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