got my doctors appointment


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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but its not for another 2 and a half weeks, went to book a booking in appointment and they said they dont advise then till your between 8-10 weeks, has confused me a little as most people on here seem to already have had their booking in appointment already? :think: maby im just feeling a little left out :shakehead: lol

:hug: :hug:
I dont think they all wait but i had to wait until 7 and a half weeks. Its not a nice feeling, this is the biggest thing in the world for us and it just feels like no one cares.
it will go quicker than you think, just dont expect much from your first appointment. At my first doctors appointment he asked if i had done a test and i say yes it was positive, he asked if i wanted to keep it, i said yes, he said book in with the midwife at the desk.
That was it!! And it seems this is just how it is no one had a lot more than that at all.
But its all still so exciting! so have fun and enjoy it xx
with all my pregnancies ive been over 7 weeks before ive seen the doctor
ta hun, im just impatient lol. from the first of the month, i think im gonna count down the days.
At my doctors, they wanted me too book in asap really with the midwife.. But because it was a bit complicated with me being in uni in leicester and being at home in south wales they decided it was probably best to not book in in leicester and just book in in Wales.. so im gonna go home next week and book in there with the midwife :)

I wouldnt worry hun, it'll all be ok :hug:
Hi Em,

I had a Doc's appt today but as Keelie said they didnt do much just asked if I had tested and worked out my expected date (as if i hadnt already done that) then asked me to go to reception to get a pack. Got home and couldnt wait to undo it all excited but it was one leaflet of general advice a wee sample tube and loads of advertising leaflets for private scans etc

Got an apt with m/w on 25 June - still doesnt feel real and really want to talk about it wiv ppl but know I should wait.

Still I have all of you lovely ppl in 1st tri to talk too :D

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