good job it wasnt a first date


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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im such a dope some times.

we took the kids to the fair me and my sis went on a ride i got off it was trying to look cool while walking down the slope to get of the ride and slipped straight on my ass and bounced all the way down i looked up kris was waiting with the kids hanging his head in shame i was crying and laughing at the same time i couldnt get up :( got a huge bruise on my bum

then last night i was standing on the stairs looking at kris through the banister winding him up trying to be sexy flashing my boobs and winking saying "il be up in a min :oops:
. lol i then went to walk of down the stairs to get a drink missed the step and slid on my bum down to the bottom and got my toe stuck in the stair gate hurts soooooo bad.

i dont blame kris if he dumps me now
im sorry hun but i had to laugh lol sounded like summit i would do

We went clubbing in BCM's in Magaluf. When I was walking down the couple stairs inside the club when I slid, my shoe shot off amongst all these people dancing and I landed right on my arse on the corner of the step. I had a bruise the size of a grapefruit on my bum the rest of the holiday and I had to suffer the indignity of crawling around looking for my shoe :oops:
pmsl kina

i used to work in bcm's :cheer:
and banana's if you went there
Aww - I bet it makes him love you even more! He's seeing you in the most natural state and that is cute - when you stumble and fall you are you, you just need to dust yourself off and laugh it off - take it from the master! I am the clumsiest in the world, I have actually walked into a wall cos I was talking to OH and not concentrating! :oops:

Don't worry bout it hun, these lovely embarassing things happen to us all!

Hope your bruise dissappears soon babe :hug:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

sorry but did you expect us not to laugh :wink:

Alan has been to BCM in shagaluf! i wanna go!! i have never been on a girls clubby hol before...i know im a dork :(
its more embarresing because i have horrid toes and kris takes the mic all the time as my 2nd toe is huge bigger then my first i was in pain shouting "my toe" his reply was it should be so big :evil:
It wasn't a girly hol, me and Matt went on a late deal. I used to get some cracking ones through work for £49 but could only book 2 days in advance (I was a Travel Agent). First of all we ended up in a dump accomodation in a real quiet resort, so we begged for a transfer and ended up in Magaluf right next door to BCMs. It was the most skint we've been on holiday but we had a great time, that was waaaaay back in 2003 ;)

Sorry am right off topic.

Hope your bootie is better soon!
Dionne i have the same issue with my big toes...they are giant! and Alan always takes the mic!

Kina Alan used to go to all them places with his mates all around the med clubbing hols 18-30's etc so now he isnt really interested in it anymore...Im not a massive clubbing person either but id really like to be able to go with someone on a holiday like that if just for the exp but not likely to get Alan to do it again.. :( so the only way would be to group some girlfriends up and go and do something like that... :D
we should al go on a holiday....

get your saggy bellys and bumps out :dance:

my toes are like fingers :cry:
dionne said:
pmsl kina

i used to work in bcm's :cheer:
and banana's if you went there

Christ is Bananas still there??? I rememeber going there when I was 18 (12 years ago :cry:)

Hope your bums ok :lol:
nicki said:
dionne said:
pmsl kina

i used to work in bcm's :cheer:
and banana's if you went there

Christ is Bananas still there??? I rememeber going there when I was 18 (12 years ago :cry:)

Hope your bums ok :lol:

worked there 5yrs ago just before i met kris and yes its still there today :lol:
I remember when I had started seeing OH. He had cooked chips for me at his house (he was living with his parents) and we went upstairs to eat them. I ran up, and tripped on my baggy jeans. The chips went all over the wall iat the top of the stairs, and there was red sauce everywhere. I still giggle about it when we go round there.

Well before i was PG we went to Alan's moms house and i hadnt had a drink in ages and she bought out a bottle of wine and i finished my glass and she just left it on the table and said help yourself..and as you do while you're talking you just drink away and dont realise how much..and i polished off most of the bottle without noticing :shock: i realised after and i was like shit! app his mom didnt mind and found it quite amusing but i am still embarresed about it till this day!

How embarressing hope your bum is okay i can almost feel it :?
I have to say I went to BCM's a few times, but I loved Boomerangs-that was my fave club. Good music, nice and small. Not to forget Poco Loco's-wiv the cheesey tunes "the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!" Oh Dionne, I klove that place, me n my mates went 3 times in the 1 year! Class. Had a wee romance with a rep called Clive. Beauty.

Happy to chat any time bout Shagaluf!!!!

Hope your derrier is better xx
Boomerangs :cheer: love it

and i done a car wash show in Poco Loco's once hehehe i loved it good old days :dance:
"From Magaluf to Palma Nova everyone's sh*gging all over!" :cheer:

I was in Poco Loco's when England beat Germany 5-1! It was a euphoric atmosphere! :lol:
I went magaluf last year when I was a teeny weeny bit pg but didnt know! I went to bananas is that the club where they have female and male strippers?

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