gone too soon & feeling so sad inside


Active Member
May 28, 2012
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was 5 weeks pregnant and started heavy bleeding sunday morning, i fianlly got courage to go to A&E monday tea time n didnt get home till 1am after all blood tests they told me id misscarried.
me n my fiance had only just started telling family about our little bundle of joy..we both feel so lost and upset and i just cant seen to get my head around it..
weve spoke about trying for another in a few months when were ready..
just wandered how long do u have to wait till u can try again..
and how long do yoh bleed for as its been 3 whole days now
thanks ladies xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how painful emotionally it can be to miscarry as I had a miscarriage at about 6 weeks back in 2007 and am just now starting to try again. If I remember correctly I bled for about 3 days to a week. I don't know how soon is ok to try again but I would say listen to your body and go from there. The best thing I heard when I miscarried was "at least you know you can get pregnant". The best thing you can do is take it easy and do NOT beat yourself up. It's not your fault. <3
Im so sorry for your loss! It is a horrible time! Take care of yourself and your OH! I would say when you feel ready to ttc then do so. I bled for 3 or four days! Take care! Xxx
so sorry for your loss such a horrible thing to have to go through and the why us feeling over whelms me all the time altho i have other children i have had 2 mmcs in the past yr and its been such a hard time,they say ur meant to wait at least 1 cycle but only cos they can date a pregnancy better if u have 1 af after a mc there is no right or wrong time i guess its down to u i had a mmc and a erpc 3 weeks ago and i wanted to try asap still not dtd tho im scared my linning wont be thick enough to hold a baby so soon after a mc so im waiting for 1 af to come and go xxxx
I bled for 7-10 days, sorry for your loss! X
Sorry for your loss!

I bled for about 7 days if you include the spotting before I actually passed the baby but I was over 10 weeks with my last MC.

We started trying again after our first MC after my first AF but waited 3 cycles after the second MC.

Just make sure you rest up!
Hi hun,

Sorry to hear about this.

I had 3 early losses last year (the earliest at 5 weeks and the latest at 8 weeks)

With my loss at 5 weeks, I had pretty much what I would consider a normal period (albeit heavy) and we carried on TTC immediately.

Although you may prefer to let your body have a cycle or two to settle down?

thanks for the support girls, it still doest seem real..its now been 4 whole days and im still bleeding heavy..surly losing alot of blood isnt good for you? lol xx
If the blood loss continues to be really heavy then make a GP appointment hun, also make sure you use towels and not tampons to avoid any infections.

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like carnat says pop along to gp if its realy heavy like a pad an hour or something cant exactly remember what they class as heavy and needing it looking at take it easy xxx
so sorry gorgeous i lost mine at 14 weeks and bled for 7 days quite heavy xx

as carnat says if it gets really painful or heavier then go to gp to check all is well

and dont use tampons sweety as you can get infections due to your cervix being open, rip little bean x
Just wanted to say sorry for your loss , I tried again that same cycle after bleeding stopped from the D&C , but don't think I actually ovulated that month anyway, may be worth waiting for next bleed and then off you go, then you will know dates if sucessful and don't have to worry about testing to get a negative before you TTC again, from left over hormones.

Good luck when your ready
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ive finally stoped bleeding and ive kinda now came to terms that ive lost my baby. my fiance and my mum thinks ive got depression and want me to go see the GP..
im really scared n feel soo lonley :( ive spoke about my misscarrige but with other problems in my past and my upbringing ive found these past few months hard. but the reason i came on here is to ask..

After my MC the hosptial told me they'd ring me for a scan and didnt get in touch.. should everything be okay now? as i know some women have MC and dont tell ppl n theyre fine..

and also ive been suffering from a water infection.. i had a water infection a few days before i found out i was pregnant and ive got one at the moment.. wil it be an infection from the misscarrige??
thanks girls! xx
they like to check and see if all the retained products as they call it i hate the words they use have all gone cos if any left can cause infection and can be quiet dangerous so i would suggest u ring them and ask for a scan just to check,its going to take time for u to get over this its like any death u need to grieve and in ur own way and time it does get better in time. cant say what u have atm is infection due to mc but u should get checked out tho take care and take it easy xxx
thanks hun.. i jsut want to start TTC again :( seems like its taking for ages to get a sticky :( xxx

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