God I feel rough!

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Felt so ill all day long and havent managed to keep anything down. :puke: :puke: :wall: :wall:

This is all new to me as I didnt get any sickness with James.

Fortunately my DH has taken him out to see his Nanna so I have had a big kip and the first bit of time to myself in god knows how long which is ace but I just wish I could feel better!

I know there is probably loads of posts like this so Im sorry for asking, but is there anything I can do to try and alieviate this sickness? I also have the worst heartburn which isnt helping.

I think Pumpkin is now making her presence known after me saying I didnt really feel pregnant. Well thank you dear bean! I certainly do now!!! :rotfl:
Hey :wave: Firstly congratulations on your pregnancy!
I'm sorry to hear you feel so bad, I had awful sickness until 11 weeks. I used to sip on flat lemonade or lucozade and found it really helped, didn't take the feeling away completely but did manage to stop me being sick! Also eat little snacks every hour or so, even if its just a peice of fruit, it does help. I also lived on extra strong mints, I constantly sucked on them, worked most of the time! Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im having a not so bad day today.... I always have a bottle of water with me and take little sips!!! doesnt always make me feel better but helps alot!!! :hug: :hug: I know how ya feel cause ive been feeling terrible. Im just off for a lie down myself cause im falling asleep on the sofa :lol: :hug: :hug:
Hiya Jen

I was sick constantly when I was pregnant with Evie in the first tri...it was awful. I wore seasickness bands on each wrist from Boots, they helped a bit. I also drank ginger tea and ate ginger biscuits. The taste of ginger was strong enough to get rid of that awful metallic taste you get... ginger is good for sickness anyway.
Awww hun :hug: :hug:
I feel ALOT worse this time round too :hug:
I find chewing gum, mints, ready salted crisps or ice cold orange juice help slightly.
I also find that most of my feeling sick comes from a headache so I got some 4head which helps slightly too. Rennie helps a little for the heartburn.
I posted this a while back but have yet to try any of them yet
http://www.welcomebabyhome.com/shopping ... medies.htm

Hope you are feeling better soon :hug: :hug:
:hug: for you.

I was really bad with Evie from 8-18wks and thought I may get away with it this time (twice is just mean, after all I keep getting told all pregnancies are different :roll: ) but NOOOO is just the same, except I have had constant nausea and daily :puke: episodes since 5 wks. Its so much harder doing it with a little one in tow, I have no family nearby to help out and hubby has had to take time off work to help look after her. I feel really guilty cause Evie just wants to play and cuddle, I just want to curl up in my bed and cry lots (both seem to be the only thing that help)

Anyway, I'm rambling, I'm sorry no miracle cures from me but lots of :hug: theres a few of us needing them right now :hug:
Hi Jen,

Firstly, hi we were pregnant at the same time last year- it feels so wierd to be doing it all over again! and 10 times more tiring! As far as sickness i had it much worse with jeremy than this baby but what helps me is cream crackers by the bed and have a couple before you get up, eat regularly otherwise you get too hungry and sick and can't face anything and suck boiled sweets all the time!

How you feeling about having 2 so close in age? I'm still in shock and i've known for about a month!
I find that almost nothing helps at the moment! I feel ill all day every day and have an average vomit rate of about two spews a day. All kinds of food and drink make me want to puke (yes, including water, mints and ginger!). But I just force myself to keep nibbling and sipping as hunger and dehydration definitely make it worse. I get so angry when I've forced myself to eat something healthy and it just ends up in the toilet bowl. One thing that does help is lying flat on my tummy in bed. I hope that by the time bubs is too big to make this comfortable the worst of the morning sickness will have passed.

I really, really feel bad for those of you who have bad sickness and young children to look after. I honestly don't know how you manage. I guess you just have to. Well, :hug: do what you can to take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.
I found peppermint tea a relief from the nausea but tbh i didnt have it that bad. My friend is getting really bad sickness though and she is using those sickness bands you put on your wrist (get them from boots) she said they are really working. Maybe worth a try?

Claire x
thanks guys.

think im deffo gonna buy some bands to see if they help.

Been drinking ginger beer too which seems to help a little.

Its been ok this weekend as DH has helped loads which has been ace but tomorrow he goes back to work so im praying my sickness isnt as bad. :pray:
If I got really bad with sickness I had a ginger tea - its not the nicest but if you add some sugar or honey and don't brew it too long its ok.

Funnily enough I wasn't sick with Lucy but really sick with this one!

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