Glucose Tolerance Test


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Well, I went for my GTT today - cant exactly say I was looking forward to it...

Most important thing was ALL my bloods came back clear so i've no risk of gestational diabetes etc which is fab :dance:

Don't think the MW believed me though when I explained I was terrified of needles...I nearly passed out half way through her taking my blood and threw up all over myself! :puke: B-e-a-utiful! Luckily it was only the water i'd drank earlier so I wasn't in too much of a mess! Haha!

I was told that once i'd drank my Lucozade, if I was sick again i'd have to come back and do it all again - my god did I focus of getting through those 2 hours or what?! :roll:

P.s. Anyone who does have to go for this test, it isn't half as bad as I appear to have made it out to be...i'm a first class whimp! lol!
Pre-warned all the midwives to take their hols around the first 2 weeks in Aug...Haha!
Well done you, do feel for people who don't like needles, me i like to watch! Gad its clear and you know things are all well with bubs x
Glad you got the all clear Tasha! Glad you made it through OK too, did you just have 2 tests? I'm so pissed I had to have 3!!! :)
How much lucozade did u have to drink? i brought 2 bottles but my test isnt for 3weeks lol Glad you got thru urs ok x

Got this test on the 21st. Are you just waiting around for these 2 hours? I mean do you have the drink straight away then wait for the bloods to be done at the very end? Just seems like a long appointment! xx
Thanks for all your well wishes! :)

You fast from about 10pm the night before, then when you go in the morning they prick your finger to take your blood sugar reading. Afterwards they took my 28 week bloods (they can take them from 26 weeks). You have to consume a 500ml bottle of lucozade afterwards and as soon as you've finished they start timing the 2 hours.

We were only allowed from that sitting room to the toilet during the 2 hour wait - lol! Afterwards they take one little blood sample and send it for tests. I got my results the same day however some hospitals may take longer.

Good luck everyone! :)'s not half as bad as I made it out to be! Haha!
Does everyone have to take this test? I've never heard of it before coming on here! x x x glad it came back clear! x x x
:dance:wehey! glad it all went well :):) (apart from throwing up, but if it's just water, not too bad! hehe)

i didn't have to take this test either.. i'm glad though i am the same as you tasha, rubbish with needles!!! i can sit through blood tests if they're done properly (i.e not someone poking around for ages trying to find a vain, makes me feel sick) "eagerly" awaiting the dreaded "just a small scratch coming up" :cry:- the WORST.

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Does everyone have to take this test? I've never heard of it before coming on here! x x x glad it came back clear! x x x

Not everyone its mainly people who have got diabetes in family or have had a previous big baby, although i think they are giving it out more recently. :) x
Aye - If your BMI is over 30 they normally get you to do one too in our area (that's why I had mine). If I was just a few pound lighter i'd have gotten away with it! lol!

The majority of tests come back negative but it's just to be on the safe side. x
i have to have this test but they are not as nice at my hosp to give you lucozade or a prick on the finger they tell us to fast then take a vile of blood we then have to drink this glucose melted jelly drink that tastes and has the consistnacy of half melted jelly babies (yuk!) then they take another vile 2hrs later and you get the results a week later lol i have loads of diabetes in my family so unortunatally i cant avoid it :( i tried to wriggle out of it tho didnt work haha!!
Awww no :-( We could have had the glucose syrup but I thought i'd go for Lucozade - stick with what ya know etc! lol!
At least you've only gotta do it the once :) You'll be fine x
lol yea i know lol i had it with the other two :D the first time round we (other expecting mother and their other halfs) were sat around in chairs all quite near to each other and in a semi circle haha and i said joking around yer it making me feel sick haha and the word sick set me off and that was it puke!!!!!! omg i have never seen a group of people move so fast it covered the whole floor it was like the exercist haha!! i dont know how nobody got any on them it was like a mop bucket full as the glucose syrup stuff is 500ml it made me feel well sick i hope they offer me lucozade this time round i was close to being sick with my last haha
Hahahaaa! Bless ya! We all had to bring our own bottles in. Why don't you take one and ask if you can drink that? :) It's gotta be a 500ml one.

I felt AWFUL after i'd drank my Lucozade - the amount of focus I put into not being sick again was immense! There was NO way I was going through nearly passing out again! Haha! x
lol!! i nearly got asked to wait and come back the next day coz i was sick so you were lucky they let me get away with it in the end tho lol
:rotfl:lol evie - I bet they don't offer to hold your hand this time!

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