Full Glucose Tolerance Test


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2007
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I have been asked to go back for a full glucose tolerance test as my mini test came back a bit high - has anyone else had this? I am rather nervous about it all, am really hoping I don't have gestational diabetes, although to be honest I am not really sure what will happen if I do have it as the books are a bit vague.
i havent had it but my mum has and she said it isnt very nice
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I had one of these (a GTT) when i was 24 weeks. All they do is take some blood when you arrive, give you a glucose drink (doesn't taste too bad), and then take some blood again after 2 hours.

It really isn't too bad at all, but i would recommend taking a book or something with you.
I had one today... was just as Lins described it. The glucose stuff is like a medicine bottle full of sugar water - really sweet. Fortunately there were 2 other girls having it at the same time so I chatted to them.
I had my test this morning which was fine, I have to wait until Friday to find out if I have gestational diabetes. They say they will call if there is a problem with the results otherwise they won't bother......so I just have to hang on all day to find out if there is something wrong!!!!
I had one with both my pregnancies. Theres nothing to it. They take blood, get you to drink some glucosey stuff then take some more blood a couple of hours later. It's more boring then anything :bored:
GD can cause larger weight LO's and can cause the Mummy to have diabetes later in life, that's why it's important you have all the tests, as you may need a more specialised diet and sometimes injections for your sugar levels. You're doing the best thing, getting tested, don't worry too much, you'll know soon enough and then you can get back to awaiting your LO's arrival, very best wishes, hope its all clear for you :hug:

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/a ... tolerance/

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