Glucose test!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I had a glucose test today! not sure why they did it really - might be something to do with me being really big before I got PG ( lost 4 1/2 stone before I got PG) I am still a size 18 (my BMI isnt in the high risk area)

I had to sit in the doctors surgery for 2 hrs between tests! but as it was the midwives day in the surgery I got to check out all the other girls bumps!! Mine doesnt look as bad as thought it did!

The first lot of blood she took at 8.30 didnt hurt, but she took the 2nd lot at 10.30 from the same arm really hurt! I already have a big bruise!

I have been starving all day - cause I couldnt eat breakfast! Just had a jacket potato with cheese and beans and a sausage roll from the bakery for lunch but still feel hungrey! I hate missing breakfast!!!!!! :evil:
eat loads to make up for it :D

thats what i did :twisted:
but im still making up for it now :lol: :lol: :lol:
i was still alowed 2 eat before my test but nothing an hour before though just the lucazade...

my old midwife burst my vien on my bookin appt. and she then made me have anuva blood test in the same arm an hour later :x
I have mine GTT tomorrow :( I NEVER miss breakfast :cry:

I had my Anti D today and not only did I get a jab which really stung (and believe I am well used to needles and dont usual blink an eye) they also took blood... hmmm

Hope u have made up for missing breakfast and are now feeling better xx :hug:

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