girl name idea


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
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I thought of a name i love, my OH doesnt like it so we will never be having it so i thought i share it with you

Poppy May, what u think?
I like poppy for a toddler or a young child but as an adult I personally wouldn't want to be called Poppy (sorry).
I don't like May either, it's so commonly used now as either a middle name or a double barrelled first name (sorry again).
But that's just my opinion, if you like it go for it x
Poppy May is very sweet, I loved the name Honey for a girl but my oh was like "think of calling that name in the work place" and I must admit some names are lovely as children but too twee for adult hood.

Poppy is pretty :)
I like poppy for a toddler or a young child but as an adult I personally wouldn't want to be called Poppy (sorry).
I don't like May either, it's so commonly used now as either a middle name or a double barrelled first name (sorry again).
But that's just my opinion, if you like it go for it x

I know what u mean, I've been put off may for the same reason but i love it with poppy and i know what u mean about poppy but my sisters called poppy so it just was nice :)
Poppy name is cute, but only for baby. I don't like "May" name. "Kestrel" is better with "Poppy".
My Mum just called her kitten Poppy, it is a cute name though!

I love the name Poppy, not keen on May though as like someone else said, it's seen a lot recently. My girls are Holly Marie Austin and Milly Rose Austin.. We have a double consonant-y theme going on so Poppy was one of our choices for a future Daughter. I'm not overly concerned if other people think it's for a young child and not a grown up, I'll call my children the names I like, as everyone should :)
Poppy name is cute, but only for baby. I don't like "May" name. "Kestrel" is better with "Poppy".

poppy kestral? lol sounds like a breed of bird ;-)

i like poppy alot and I have 2 friend called daisy and poppy and they are my age, but cos is right, poppy is a but odd when you are 30 haha!

it is cute tho
I know someone called poppy (her real name is rachel but she was born on poppy day) anyways everyone has known her a poppy for years shes something like 60 odds now and I think she suits her name still.. Her grand daughter has just been named poppy - I did pick poppy but as both me and OH know a poppy we wouldnt use it.

I think your never going to find a name that will suit throughout your life - I mean, I dont like Claire for an old lady but tough haha I have to live with it.

Ive seen people change the spelling of the May to make it look different, again with middle names, like rose etc - they always get used.

Poppy Mae
Poppy Mai

Theyr cute I think personally :) xxx
I like Poppy my friends daughter is poppy but not May (sorry) x
not a fan im fraid... its the whole wen theyre an adult thing x
I like the name poppy, its very cute - not a fan of may though - too common x
I'm in the minority then, but I think may is very pretty. It's my fav month and my birth month too. We thought about it when we were thinking out names, was either daisy grace or Gracie may xx
I love May and think Poppy is cute but not sure about when she's an adult x

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