Ginger Tea


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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OMG so relieved. Well, not sure if it's a coincidence but I bought some ginger tea today in a bid to help relieve the nausea and vomitting and it seems to have worked. I had 2 days off feeling sick Sunday and Monday, then yesterday it was back with a vengeance and then head down loo for ages last night :sick: Then felt sick all night and when I was up again this morning. Doctor can't fit me in til Monday so I thought I'd give it a go, and just even the smell made me feel better.

Fingers crossed it's not a coincidence coz honestly feel like I'm gonna die otherwise lol

I tried it a couple of weeks ago and found it really worked. They say ginger biscuits work so why not ginger tea? :)
I had a coupl of sips of ginger tea last night and today has been an ok day with the sickness. Still feel sick but I haven't been sick, wondering if the tea had anything to do with it. Might try it again tonight as I'm usually worse in the mornings xx
Glad it's works for you I found it made me worse last time cos I couldn't stomach the taste of it! Peppermint tea helps me but I'm never actual sick just feel like I'm going to be all the time! Feel for you girls that are sick
Apparently it was a temporary solution. After 20 mins nausea was back and I've just spent a few mins bringing up the tiny bit of stuff in my stomach :cry:

Feel very sorry for myself and actually want my mummy lol
yeh i wrote on kangas morning sickness thread that id read ginger was supposed to help, it suggests nibbling a ginger biscuit or drinking ginger tea. glad its working for some of you girls xxx
A friend of mine recommended stem ginger biscuits and they seem to work quite well. They've got pieces of ginger in them so they're a bit stronger than ginger nuts, they've really helped me. Hope your sickness eases soon xxx
I bought crystallised stem ginger in a pot from waitrose cooking section. I felt terrible last night in bed so went downstairs (2 flights down and then up again so out of breath) and got a big lump its quite strong but within minutes i felt ok to go to sleep. I did buy it to make my own cookies with but i really cannot be bothered so will just have a lump every few hrs. I think its better value in holland and barratt i saw a massive bag for £1.69.
A friend of mine recommended stem ginger biscuits and they seem to work quite well. They've got pieces of ginger in them so they're a bit stronger than ginger nuts, they've really helped me. Hope your sickness eases soon xxx

OOoooO I love them stem ginger cookies in M&S... any excuse for some biscuits lol xxxx

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