getting myself all worked up


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Morning all

I suppose i'm just looking for some reassurance here. I haven't been too happy with my last couple of midwife appointments and i'm starting to feel like everything is out of my control.

I'm now 11 days overdue. 2 different midwives have tried to give me a sweep, without success (the last one couldn't reach my cervix??).

At my last appointment the sweep was a disaster, she made me worry about the baby's position, there was no mention of the head being engaged (it has been previously) and she booked me in for an induction.

My main worry at the moment is the baby's position. It had been fine up until now (head down, engaged, back to the left) but she seemed to think on Monday it has gone back to back. Now I am constantly worrying about where it is and what's going on. If i feel something I worry it's in the wrong place. If i'm not feeling anything then i worry something is wrong. I wake up in the night just obsessing about what is going on.

Also, the thought of being induced terrifies me. I don't want to refuse it as I will be 2 weeks over when it happens, and of course I want whatever is best for the baby. But I've never been in hospital for anything before. I have read the other thread on here about what to expect, but i'm so scared. And the thought of a c-section makes me feel ill.

I guess there is still a chance (although it seems unlikely) i could go naturally before Saturday.
I just wondered if anyone has had a similar experience and how it turned out.

I know it probably doesn't sound like much. I do feel a bit better having written it all out. Thanks for reading!
i had the same with kieron they kept telling me he had changed position and was booked on for induction at 40+13 but i went into labout at 40+12, they said it was quite common for people to go into labour the night before induction due to the rise in adrenalin, fingers crossed hun :hug:
Firstly no matter how much you worry and stress about what could happen you can guarantee its won't happen how you imagined it to be anyway, so really you are worrying about what might happen and not what will happen. Isaac was 10 days over, I had an awful attempt at a sweep carried out on me and I was booked in for induction. I start naturally the day before the induction and Isaac was back to back. I did end up with an assisted delivery and the labour was long but the thing is hun you can't prepare yourself because nobody can tell how its going to be and trust me when it all kicks off you will be strong and brave and cope because you have to!

I think we also expect midwives to be in a flap like we are towards the end but its their job and they see it everyday so if they seem uncaring its not because they don't care, its just so routine to them. I know some of them can seem horrible but just remember to ask questions and not always wait for them to be forth coming with the info, sometimes they only tell you what they have to and not what you actually want to know.

Chin up, and put it this way, this time next week one way or another you will have your baby in your arms!!!! :hug:
I went into labour the day before my appointments twice!
Lola was back to back for a while hun! While its not the best position its not something to get yourself worked up about hun! Most babies turn at the begining of labour if not before! :hug: :hug: :hug: Lola turned a few days before! She just kept spinning lol! I think it was the luck of that day with her :lol: :lol:
And also, your baby could be in the perfect position and turn back to back in labour so try not to worry! Theres not a lot you can do about it tbh! You will be fine! :hug: :hug: :hug:
All 3 of mine were back to back during the whole labour and I didn't have any interventions at all. I did have to have epi's as the pain in my spine was so intense but I can honestly say all 3 of my births were good experiences and you have to just roll with it as it happens. It doesn't hurt to ask all the questions you can here so you have an idea of what you would want to do if x y z happens but remember that things are different when you are actually going through it. Good luck :hug:
mary70 said:
i had the same with kieron they kept telling me he had changed position and was booked on for induction at 40+13 but i went into labout at 40+12, they said it was quite common for people to go into labour the night before induction due to the rise in adrenalin, fingers crossed hun :hug:

If is to do with the rise in adrenalin and I believe thats got something to do with it, could you, if you are able go for a walk up a incline. Not up a hill or anything but a brisk walk, something that might make you break a sweat.

I done that the day before I had Joe, went out to a soft play date with Jess in her pram, and went into labour that night.
Also drove the car for the first time after passing my test that night, it might have been the fright of doing that but again, it was a bit adrenalin rush :rotfl:

Good luck
Hiya hun,

Unfortunately alot of this pregnancy/birth experience is out of our control.. i learnt that when i almost threw my birth plan out the window.

I went overdue and had an induction. I was terrified of the induction having read the leaflet i was handed out. Although it was painful it was bearable for me on gas and air and many hours later pethedine. After about 20 hours of labour and still only getting to 4cms! i did have a c section. The reason for this though was more due to Ollie having passed mechonium in my waters. I also later found out he was totally the wrong way in my cervix so was unlikely to come out anyway.

All i would say is dont panic about an induction. It isnt that bad as long as you relax and breathe through the pain and dont fight it (i didnt speak to anyone for the whole labour as i was concentrating on my breathing), birthing balls can be great if baby is in a wierd position, and pack some massive granny knickers just incase you do end up with a c-section (i wish id done that!)

Whatever happens hun, baby will be here one way or another and as long as you are both healthy afterwards it really doesnt matter how they got here.


Claire x
:hug: :hug: Esme was back to back and honestly it didnt seem any more painfull than my first that wasnt, I only had pethadine once at the start of my labour and the rest was aunatural as I hated G&A and they refused to give mean epi as there wasnt enough staff to do it :roll:

I actually prerfer being induced Both pf mine were and i actually wanted to be the last time. Its not as bad as some will have you believe, labour is naturally painful and difficult to plan, go with hte flow hun its really the only thing you can do

:pray: you get what you want
Thanks very much for all your replies ladies :hug:
I really appreciate you taking the time to answer.

It has made me feel better reading about your experiences, and knowing that it all worked out in the end.
I guess that's what i need to keep sight of.
And yes, I'm starting to realise there is nothing i can do about it! As for the baby's position - I still have no idea what it is doing but I'll try not to worry about it so much!
lea - when my DH was trying to calm me down last night he said it's probably spinning on it's head - there's not much else to do in there!!

I'll keep bouncing on my ball.
I noticed I was in less pain 'down below' today so I might try going for a walk tomorrow.

Thanks again
Hey kmac,

I've been thinking about your everyday honey - hope you're doing okay and hanging in there. Being overdue really is the pits.

I wasn't induced, but just wanted to wish you best of luck and I can't wait to read your happy announcement! I also wanted to tell you that DD was partially backtoback throughout my labour (no pain in my tummy, all in my back) and I did it with no pain relief - its not necessarily bad news or the worst ever thing.

I also second the suggestion of going for a long walk (or as long as you can manage) asap - thats definitely what got me going.

Lots of love to you, OH and LO.

Valentine Xxx

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