Getting LO to take more feed

Mrs CW

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Hi all,
Just looking for some advice 2weeks ago we changed Dylan to ff as I was given my 3rd lot of antibiotics since he arrived and he doesn't react well to them. I was advised by the hv that he should have half his weight in oz so should have between 5 and 6oz per feed. At the moment he takes about 3/4oz but sometimes only 2oz and sometimes 6oz. Because of this he doesn't always take the full amount of oz he should in a day. I'm trying to get into a routine but can't because he's not consistent with feeds sometimes going 4hours other times just 2. How do I get him to take more per feed so I can get him into more of a routine and ensure he had his full amount per day? Or should I just go with what he wants? I feel like we've gone back to the beginning again!
Thanks for any replies x x x
I would go with the flow for now, he should settle back down. I always think of it like an adult, sometimes we're just not that hungry and sometimes we're starving. If he seems happy enough then I wouldn't worry
^wss, it'll settle down soon enough hopefully, I know its a pain, but it'll pass before you know it x
That's exactly what Jax was like when he first started on formula. I just used to make up 4oz bottles and feed him on demand and it was a bit if a nightmare. Over the last couple of weeks we've started to get into more of a routine so I feed him at 8-9am (regardless of when he wakes or was last fed), 11-12pm, 2-3pm and then his last feed is at 6-6.30pm and then he goes to bed. I'm not sure if its just him getting older or this more fixed routine but he will now often take 5-6oz per feed. He also feeds much much much better when we are alone. Yesterday was my eldest sons 6th birthday and 3 family members came round and he only drank 3oz! Now though, if he only takes a small feed, I still stick to the routine and wait till his next feed and he's fine with this. If he starts getting moany, I can cuddle/play/distract him till his next feed (obviously if he got distraught I would feed him but he never does) whereas before I would just feed him as I thought it was cos he was hungry cos he hadn't had enough milk. This much more structured routine is working so much better for both of us, I am much more confident about knowing whether or not he is hungry.

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Thanks for the replies! I've tried distracting him to get a set time between feeds but it doesn't work for long. He has been quite consistent today so maybe we're having a breakthrough! X
Thanks for the replies! I've tried distracting him to get a set time between feeds but it doesn't work for long. He has been quite consistent today so maybe we're having a breakthrough! X

Yeah, I don't think that would have worked for Jax a few weeks ago either so maybe its just his age and that he's got himself into a routine over time. It's great that he's been better today, maybe its just a matter of time?

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