Getting fed up of OH...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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moaning at me all the time to rest, its driving me around the bend! He wont let me do anything! He wants me to sit on the couch and rest, resting isnt going to make Missy come i need to be as active as i feel i can and rest when i want aaarrrgghhh. Sorry for the rant ladies x x
Mines the same! I get up to put my cup, plate or whatever in the kitchen and I get "where are u going". Its doing my head in. All I hear is, u need to rest, u need to take it easy blah blah.
I cant sit on my @rse for the next 9 weeks! Well, I could, but it wont do me or Bubs any good!
Mines the same! I get up to put my cup, plate or whatever in the kitchen and I get "where are u going". Its doing my head in. All I hear is, u need to rest, u need to take it easy blah blah.
I cant sit on my @rse for the next 9 weeks! Well, I could, but it wont do me or Bubs any good!
I had to say something this morning, felt really guilty as i know hes only trying to look out for me but couldnt take it any longer! x x
Aw :hug: I'm sure it must be annoying although he's got good intentions :)
I can't imagine mine ever saying that, he had me trying to break down a door the other day :roll:
aw hes just trying to be a good oh he probably want to help but doesn know how
Can we swap OH's I can hardly walk an I am still having to cook etc lol

My OH is exactly the same M2A. I feel guilty because I know he's only looking out for me and baby etc but I'm on maternity and I cannot deal with sitting down and watching tv all day!! Plus trying to get a heavily pregnant woman with major nesting instinct going to rest?! I dont think so lol. I just gently told him the other day that I promise I wont do too much but he's gotta try and be a bit flexible with me cleaning and cooking etc because yeah I am carrying our baby but I'm not made out of glass and I'm not careless enough to do something silly (ie no heavy lifting etc). Think he's seeing it from my point of view now xx
Can see how it would be annoying M2A!..........Seems like OH's can't find the middle ground, either wont let us do a thing or expect us to carry on as normal! Men! xx

Mines is the exact same, it can get a bit over-whelming, I try & get things done when he's not in the house!!

Think hes realised hes annoying me now but i know it will only last a day without him fusing! x x
Count yourself lucky - mine went out the door this morning with the nasty comment of "Don't work too hard on the sofa all day" it was a dig at the fact that I am now not working whilst he is. I understand why its frustrating for him to have to work whilst I don't but I do feel a bit upset that he's not more understanding of my situation in that respect. It would be lovely if he told me to take it easy guilt free!
wish mine was like that, cos suffering with back and sij problems. hes bang in the middle, one minute hes all like shattered after work and me too when i finish but hes like your just siting down all day and hes running around lifting stuff. he dont get that i cant stand or sit down too long cos its absolute agony. then the other day he nearly had a heart attack cos i stretched and we could see the outline of the baby sticking out and he thought he was gonna break out of me or something lol x
Wish my OH was like that.. sometimes he does say 'let me do that' but then thats usually when its too late :roll: i dont like being fussed over but would be nice for them to acknowledge we are in pain and very tired all the time :(
Ladies I read that for babu to arrive on time u need to completely wind down your body and totally relax! Trust me next year u will be begging for more help from them, enjoy it while u can xxx
Ladies I read that for babu to arrive on time u need to completely wind down your body and totally relax! Trust me next year u will be begging for more help from them, enjoy it while u can xxx

Pos - thats really interesting!!

Never heard that before, normally people are saying bouncing on the ball/walking/all that sort of stuff brings on labour!

Dont know what to do now!! lool

If u stress ur body tenses up.. Relax while walking, gentle strolling, relaxing motions on the ball etc..
Wish I could remember where I heard it?! It was saying that once u relax and stop doing things the body starts preparing for the arrival, I'l try and find it xx
I was just reading something there that said that bouncing on the ball & gentle exercise like walking helps to prepare our bodies/baby better for the birth. Therefor baby would be more likely to come in the hours after!? Which could also explain why alot of women give birth in bed during the night!


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