Getting a cat this weekend - am I mad!?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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We've just moved house and it's perfect for a cat (we've wanted one for ages but have lived on busy roads) and DH was speaking to a friend yesterday who has one that desperately needs a home. She has taken him in but he can't stay as her existing cat has taken great exception to the new cat and they keep fighting.

DH is such a soft touch, he said we'd have him so we're getting him on Sunday. I'm so excited about our pre-baby arrival!

I start maternity leave today so will be at home to help the new family member settle in, but part of me thinks I'm mad! Mind you, I always tend to do lots of things at once - this year I've got pregnant, passed my driving test, moved house and now a cat! Keeps things exciting!
I moved and I took in a giant black cat which I have named sabbath he is lovely, make sure you get a cat net for cot and/or moses basket. xXx
Not mad, I'm soooo jealous!! We really want one too, but like you live near a busy road. Our plan was to move, get a cat, have a baby. However, two years after the flat went on the market, we've only managed one of those...!

Does he have a name or do you get to choose?!
Oh hun how brilliant I would love another cat but dh says no but I do love my cat!!! I wouldn't be without him he is my baby x x xx have fun x x x
How fab! Sounds like perfect timing!

We'd love a couple of cats. We've not been able to have one in the past because we lived in rented houses. We finally managed to buy our own house recently but we need to do some work on it before it's cat friendly - we also need to see if we have enough money once bubs arrives and finances settle down (although OH is likely to be made redundant imminently so I'm pretty sure the cat plans will be out of the window).

Good luck (I'm so jealous!)
Cats are awesome we have two indoor Burmese cats who are lovely, Mo's currently sitting on my lap cuddling up to bump :) xx
I'm gonna go the other way and say yes your mad!! Bloody hate the things lol think they are dangerous vicious things!
Thanks guys - I'm so excited. Been to Pets At Home and bought all the bits we need. It's a bit of a distraction - had cats before so know how to look after them but babies....well, that's still scary!
i wanna another cat too although i love the one we have shes just doesnt love me shes my oh cat lol the only time she likes me is if i feed her or shes in season yeah ive done alot this year to ive giving birth im moving to a flat and im pregnant again lol :) all in a year but i wouldnt change it for the world i asked other half if he stuck for getting me a pressie he can get me a kitten but he sed no :(
I'm gonna go the other way and say yes your mad!! Bloody hate the things lol think they are dangerous vicious things!

there not that bad lol the cat we have i was a bit paranoid by all the stories that cat likes to lye on baby coz of the milk but she doesnt go near amy even though were all in one room till i actually get into the flat she never once has climbed in the moses basket or the cot she run away from amy all the tym amy chase her a round and she just goes and hides under the cot a night thats where she lyes she protects amy cot she doesnt attack if one of the lads come and go over shell growl but a soon as oyu say tina its ok she calms down and goes to sleep there not all that bad really x
i love kittens then after ten mins novelty wears off....

i think people are either pet people and treat their pets amazing or theyre not... if ur like that go for it but do head all the warnings as accidents happen so just be careful and take precautions :D

im not really an animal lover well i like animals... the ones that go on my plate :D in the form of steak :D but yeah go for it :D good luck! xx
i wanna another cat too although i love the one we have shes just doesnt love me shes my oh cat lol the only time she likes me is if i feed her

That's what my cat is like! Ever since the first time she saw my hubby she adopted him and forgot about me, and now she tolerates me but LOVES my hubby in a mad way. She won't let anyone pick her up except him, but lies like a baby in his arms and sits on his shoulder etc.

SmallPurpleCat - I don't think you're mad, you won't either after you get him!
I don't think you're mad, I think it's lovely that you're giving a needy cat a home. I have 3 cats, all of them are fine with Cahal, one of them sits near him all the time (but is careful not to get too close in case she gets poked lol!) and she frets when he cries but the other two just ignore him.
I bought 2 kittens about 6 weeks before i found out i was pregnant! I think if i had found out i was pregnant first i would never have got them but i wouldn't change it now. They have the run of the back of my house i don't let them roam near ethan when he's playing etc cos i'm obsessive with cat hair and germs lol but they are not bothered by him at all and ethan loves them and smiles at them all the time. It's hard when your lo is newborn thou because they wonder why they are not getting much attention xxx

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