Get a move on babies

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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I'm doing another moaning thread to get these babies to hurry up. The last time I did this loads of babies appeared. Worth a try for all you overdue ladies :)

So babies will you please hurry up! All your mummies want to meet you.

Note to my baby - I know your not due for 2 weeks but it's really ok if you want to come out in the next week. I don't want to be overdue and I'll spoil you rotten :) xxx
Thanks Emma. Hopefully this will get things moving for us
Fingers crossed that some babies start moving particularly the overdue ones. xx
If this works I'll never get peace on here. I'll be getting asked to do threads all the time :rofl: xx
Haha! I totally agree ... we need some labour threads!

... Oh and my little one is welcome to come any day now! x
Hope it work for u ladies!!

I feel another tandem labour coming on!!!

Me and Jess never stop txting comparing notes as our babies were born within five hours of each other!! It's great to have that support!

Fingers crossed ladies! I'll be keeping my beady eye on the labour watch threads!! Xx
aww lex i love your avatar pic he is so gorgeous xx
yeah hurry up babies. and yeah emma if this works i will require you to do another one in a few weeks. xxx
I'm hoping she starts making a move sometime soon!!! Would be lovely to have the same birthday as her daddy which is on Saturday! Come on baby mummy's ready!!!!
Ooh thanks Emma!!! Anything is worth a try! Xx
aww lex i love your avatar pic he is so gorgeous xx

Thanks hun, and you Pinky! I could just eat him most of the time!

Whenever I use PF I do it through my iPhone and im on the PC now and OMG...can't believe all of your tickers! Obviously I knew they wouldnt stay the same as before lol but can't believe how quickly the time has gone!!

Excited for you all ladies!!

awww lexus he has changed so much already hes soooo cute its so scary how quick its going for u all i feel like im staying still but obviously im not lol x
Tell me about it! He's had about 5 different faces already (all with bog open looking for a feed though!)

BTW Lou, i'm finding the age gap just right with my 2 boys!! You'll be there before you know it hun!
awww serious thats fab eh i was really worried bout that but im pretty much the same as u so thats good hope i find it works well to.. Aw i know nearly there now x
Push bitches push!!!!

Sorry cudnt help it he he!! Fingers crossed you dnt go to over due!!!

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