gestational diabetes


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Jan 1, 2008
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I had midwife appointment today and got the results of a glucose blood test that I had, and my glucose was high and since my Dad had diabetes they are suspecting I have gestational diabetes. I have to go for further tests in about 2 weeks time.

Anyone else had/got this and can offer some advice - I feel quite worried because its not something i know too much about although I'm going to go and look on the web now.
ill be keeping an eye on this i had random blood sugar done last week and was 6.4 (cut off point is 7) and today it was 6.7 so got to have the fasting test on monday :(
I went for my GTT at 28 weeks and my results came back high and am now on insulin. Do you know what your results were?

I had to go to see the diabetic consultant, dietician and diabetic nurse a few days after my test. They got me to check my blood glucose for a week before each meal and before bedtime and write the readings down while trying to stick to a good diet at the same time. They looked at my readings and then decided to put me on a dose on insulin before tea to bring my bedtime sugars down. Did that for a week which didn't help so this week they put me on a higher dose of insulin at tea and told me to take an extra dose in the morning.

Saying all that though, my glucose has to be below 6, from what Sam said, it might vary so I'd see what they tell you. I don't think they'd leave you for 2 weeks if they were that worried about your results...

I've got to have growth scans now every 3 weeks, go to see the diabetic consultant every week, see my own consultant every 3 weeks, see the diabetic midwife instead of my own and have the baby monitored on a CTG machine every week from next week (phew!) also being induced at 38 weeks because I'm on insulin (I don't think they induce if you're controlling it with diet though, only if you endup on insulin)

Thats my experience of gestational diabetes anyway! In my hospital they don't tend to take any chances with it and want your sugars under control asap. It was quite scary and fairly frustrating at first because I felt like it was my fault but I really can't control my sugars and so I know now I just have to do what they tell me!
I was diagnosed with this yesterday, but I a very borderline case and they dont seem too concerned especially with me only having a couple of weeks to go. I am controlling it with diet and have to test my blood sugars twice a day. I think the only reason they have found it now is because I was admitted to hospital at the end of last week and they have been testing my urine more.

I am seeing my consultant tomorrow and he may decide to bring my section forward as I am having blood pressure problems as well.

Will see what tomorrow brings

Tracey xx
I was diagnosed after a GTT at 15weeks and put on a strict diet and given a meter to check my blood glucose levels. After a week it hadn't improved so they put me on tablets, then upped the tablets, then gave me different tablets (to go with the other ones!) but my blood glucose was still too high so now am on insulin (I'm a bit needle phobic but my OH or my 11yo gives me my jabs and tbh it don't hurt at all). They changed my insulin today as they think I'm having hypos in my sleep so the stuff I'm on now is just a more steady release version esp cus I'm having probs eating 3 meals a day which don't help things!!

I'm being induced at 38weeks too (thats what they tend to aim for with insulin dependent diabetics apparently - if I was diet or tablet controlled they would have let me go the full distance!)

I get extra scans to attend so they can keep an eye on growth to make sure I ain't giving birth to an elephant lol.

I have been terrified abt this diabetes stuff but it's no big deal really and it gets easier. I'm just such a wuss me.

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
I was diagnosed after a GTT at 15weeks and put on a strict diet and given a meter to check my blood glucose levels. After a week it hadn't improved so they put me on tablets, then upped the tablets, then gave me different tablets (to go with the other ones!) but my blood glucose was still too high so now am on insulin (I'm a bit needle phobic but my OH or my 11yo gives me my jabs and tbh it don't hurt at all). They changed my insulin today as they think I'm having hypos in my sleep so the stuff I'm on now is just a more steady release version esp cus I'm having probs eating 3 meals a day which don't help things!!

I'm being induced at 38weeks too (thats what they tend to aim for with insulin dependent diabetics apparently - if I was diet or tablet controlled they would have let me go the full distance!)

I get extra scans to attend so they can keep an eye on growth to make sure I ain't giving birth to an elephant lol.

I have been terrified abt this diabetes stuff but it's no big deal really and it gets easier. I'm just such a wuss me.

Sarah xxx

Have they given you an estimate on the baby's size yet? Also are you worried about induction at all?

I felt like crap when I first found out. It was only when I saw the diabetic consultant this week did I feel like it wasn't my fault, felt a bit like the other drs I'd seen didn't believe that I'm trying to eat well and stuff. Diabetic consultant looked at my glucose levels and just said there is no way my body is doing what it should be with insulin so I definitly need help, which was nice :D
I was induced with my last child due to stress (lol) so am not bothered about being induced tbh.

Had a growth scan today and the estimated fetal weight is currently 4lbs9oz which is within normal range. Have another scan at 34w and 36w where they'll check size and weight again.

Had a few issues with medical professionals regarding my diabetes treatment and my anxiety problems so i am not a great fan of doctors at present lol. However since I told my MW that if she didn't sort them out I would tell them outright where to shove their medical advice I have found them to be much more understanding this week, telling me just how well I'm doing and asking for my opinions as they "don't want me to feel pressured into doing anything against my will" :rotfl: I do think that sometimes if you are a bigger lady people do just see you as a junk food dustbin, whatever you tell them!

I am only on a low dose of insulin so am hoping that the diabetes will go after James has been born.

It did scare me at first to the point of crying in Sainsbury's cus I didn't know what to buy and I got a bit phobic about eating and my throat felt like it was closing up when I tried to eat but that was more my mental state than anything to do with being diabetic.

Told the mw I would be bringing 2 labour bags in when I come to have the baby... one for usual clothes, toiletries etc and one full of cake and sweeties!!!!!

Sarah xxx
Thanks for your replies, at least I know what sort of thing to expect now, as the MW didn't really say too much except to control my sugar.

My glucose level was 8.3.

I'm a bit concerned because I'm not being sent for the glucose tolerance test until Oct 21st, which seems like ages away and I would have thought that if I needed some help/intervention they would be better to be able to confirm earlier? I was wondering whether I could try and get an earlier appointment? (although it was the MW that made the appointment for me and she said that they were busy and this would be the first opportunity).
I do think that sometimes if you are a bigger lady people do just see you as a junk food dustbin, whatever you tell them!

Yeh, I've found some of them to be quite judgemental, especially because of my weight but because I can eat the same thing 2 days in a row and have totally different readings afterwards, I think they've realised I am trying.

I am only on a low dose of insulin so am hoping that the diabetes will go after James has been born.

I had a blood test this week to check for 'real' diabetes although the diabetic doctor told me if I had the reading I've had when I wasn't pregnant, they would be good.

It did scare me at first to the point of crying in Sainsbury's cus I didn't know what to buy and I got a bit phobic about eating and my throat felt like it was closing up when I tried to eat but that was more my mental state than anything to do with being diabetic.

Yeh, I've been scared of eating a lot and it was starting to get my down but the consultant this week was so nice, he's made me feel so much better.

Told the mw I would be bringing 2 labour bags in when I come to have the baby... one for usual clothes, toiletries etc and one full of cake and sweeties!!!!!

:lol: The one thing I really want to have is popcorn and chocolate (together!) at the cinema but going the pictures once the baby is born will difficult. Think I will just have to be a bit naughty before the baby gets here.
satch said:
Thanks for your replies, at least I know what sort of thing to expect now, as the MW didn't really say too much except to control my sugar.

My glucose level was 8.3.

I'm a bit concerned because I'm not being sent for the glucose tolerance test until Oct 21st, which seems like ages away and I would have thought that if I needed some help/intervention they would be better to be able to confirm earlier? I was wondering whether I could try and get an earlier appointment? (although it was the MW that made the appointment for me and she said that they were busy and this would be the first opportunity).

My glucose was 9 ater my GTT, which they told me was not out and out diabetic, that 10 and over is definitly diabetic but I ended up on insulin anyway...

Try giving them a ring maybe. My hospital has a Diabetic clinic for the pregnant ladies once a week and it is always really busy but they made sure I was seen. I wouldn't panic too much though, I doubt it will cause any harm in the short term.
I would just cut down on your sugar intake in the meantime if you are worried Honey as that is what they asked me to do once I was diagnosed.

If you are a big fruit juice drinker then cut down on that, choose cereals that aren't sugary and if you are a fizzy pop person go for the diet/sugar free varieties. I was told to watch my carbohydrate intake as a lot of it turns to sugar.

It can be a real eye opener... today i had a small bag of apple slices and grapes and my OH had two giant scotch eggs.... guess which one was better for me in regards to the diabetes???? Yup the manky eggy thingys :puke:

As for the GTT my count came back as 13 :rotfl: but my 'instant' blood glucose results I do at home are usually nothing near that!

Sarah xxx
Hiya though i would reply seeing as i have not long given birth to my 11lb 4 0z baby at 37 weeks!

I was diagnosed at 28 weeks as having GD, everything was fine at my 24 week check but suddenly glucose appeared in my urine at 28 weeks, my GTT result was 11.4 which is quite high apparently,

I was then referred to my local hospital and the rest of my care transferred to the consultant led team

This meant i was at hospital every two weeks for midwife check, CTG, Growth scan, chat with consultant and finally the diabetic team,

I was put on insulin after about a week when the realised that my diet didnt need changing as i was eating healthily anyway, they started me off on a dose of 10 units twice a day but i finished up being on 28 twice a day as mine was quite hard to control infact i wasnt getting readings under 8 which is what they wanted 2 hours after eating right until 35 weeks!

At my 36 week scan they estimated her to be 9lb 11 so the decision was made to induce at 37 weeks and she was born by emergency c section and weighed 11lb 4 0z which shocked the team apparently :shock:

Baby then spent 11 days in special care as she got critical level jaundice which apparently is more common in in babies with mothers with GD as it interferes with the way they deal with things

I would say that my story is one of the worse case scenarios with the weight and babies health afterwards but please dont let that scare you as we were closely monitored at all times and nothing will be left to chance.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me x
I had GD nearly 5 years ago and now I am an insulin dependent diabetic. I Was diagnosed at 15 weeks, had to go onto insulin at 20 weeks.I was induced at 38 weeks and had a perfectly healthy baby who weighed 7lb. He had no problems at all and I went home after 24 hours.Try to cut down on sweet foods ,like chocoholic said carbohydrates turn into sugar so cut down on them as well but not too much as your body needs carbs. Please don't worry the hospital will look after you if you have GD
Hello ladies! :wave:

I have GD as well, and inject insulin 4 times a day. I was wondering about what some of you said about inducing early. Is that common? I was surprised,as I havent been mentioned anything about it. :eek: I have my next appointment/scan in 2 weeks, have to ask then, as I am already 34 weeks..!!
How early have you been told about it? Were your babies growing normally according to your scans?
I got stressed now about having everything ready, as am such a!! :wall:
MissE said:
Hello ladies! :wave:

I have GD as well, and inject insulin 4 times a day. I was wondering about what some of you said about inducing early. Is that common? I was surprised,as I havent been mentioned anything about it. :eek: I have my next appointment/scan in 2 weeks, have to ask then, as I am already 34 weeks..!!
How early have you been told about it? Were your babies growing normally according to your scans?
I got stressed now about having everything ready, as am such a!! :wall:

I was told that I would be induced early as soon as I started taking insulin, I was told it that they like to do it with anyone taking insulin. Baby is perfectly normal on all the growth charts, blood pressure and urine is fine and I've had no other problems but still have my induction booked for 38 weeks.

They told me it was for a few reasons. Mainly because the baby doesn't really do much but gain weight after 37 weeks and obviously with diabetic mothers, the baby is more likely to be bigger anyway and they don't want that. Also because diabetes can cause your placenta not to work as well and so it can mean the blood supply isn't as great.

You would hope though that they'd have told you by now if they were going to induce you! They may plan to induce you at 40 weeks instead...might just be worth asking next time you see your midwife or consultant.
quote]You would hope though that they'd have told you by now if they were going to induce you! They may plan to induce you at 40 weeks instead...[[/quote]

Yeah, that's what I though..I really have to check with the MW. Am supposed to call her end of the week to report my sugar levels, so might check then. :think:
The doctor said last time that at this stage the main worry is not the baby over-growing, but that the sugars may go too low after she's born.
Although I do agree that they will probably induce me at 40wks at least. I have to say, I would not mind if they decide to do it,as am starting to feel a bit heavy and uncomfortable! :wink:
Hi I had an appointment today with a couple of doctors as iv found out I have GD. I got given the monitor and finger picker which I have to check 1 hour after meals. I checked it at the hospital and it was 7.4 a couple of hours later I got home and had a ham sandwhich on multi grain bread with salad and no butter. Checked an hour later and was still 8.0. I checked the ham and it was under 5g per 100g for the sugar so I don't get why it was still so high. Was just wondering if it takes a couple of days for me to eat at the same times and whether that would change things. I don't have a clue what to cook. "(
I had GD with Lucie. I started just by controlling diet and managed until 34 weeks when I went on metformin tablets. It disappeared 4 hours after having her. They were going to look at induction at 39 weeks. But she decided to come at 37 lol
I had the GTT as my mum is diabetic (as is most of my family on that side). i was pretty lucky as im the only one not classed as overweight and i am pretty healthy.. but apparently it can get anyone. i was very lucky and had no problem at all. i absolutely hated the test, i hate blood tests!! i really hope you're ok. if it's the worse news at least you'll get loads of help and support and im sure there's lots of ppl on here going through the same thing. x

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