Afternoon on ante-natal ward


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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Spent all afternoon on ante-natal ward, after being sent there by my community midwife, as high blood pressure and had some protein in urine
Thankfully they are happy its not pre-eclampsia but need to monitor blood pressure

Also got told my results of glucose tolerance test- I do have gestational diabetes and am measuring 32 weeks, I am only 28 weeks which has worried me a bit, but havent had a chance to discuss the gestational diabetes as they were assessing the high blood pressure. Diabetes specialist nurse contacting me tomorrow and hopefullly will be seen by nurse and consultant on friday

Think I may call in sick next couple of days as have been feeling really crap and exhausted and really feel i need a couple of days rest- maybe that makes me pathetic but hey ho.

I am so not cut out to be pregnant!
Defo phone in sick and put your feet up and try to relax as much as possible hun :hug:
You know when you need to rest, listen to what your body is telling you and bloomin' well get those feet up. Patheticness doesn't come into it :shakehead:
You definitely need to take it easy for a few days hun :hug:

Hope you are feeling better soon!!
me too hun, you should be chilling as baby is having a growth spurt at this stage and you need to give your body a chance to relax and recover :hug: :hug:

As soon as i hit 28 weeks it was like my body wanting to hit the brakes, i tend to do a bit then chill then do a bit and chill etc etc

Hope everything goes ok with the diabetes side of things and they manage to get it under control for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls

got my appointment with diabetes specialists tomorrow morning which is good :)

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