Gestational diabetes - anyone got this? worried!


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hi guys, had the midwife on the phone with the results of my glucose tolerance test, turns out I've developed gestational diabetes. They did the test because my mum is an insulin dependant diabetic. Theyre now worried as it was much higher than it should be and that it might not go away after I have bump :shock: really worried. Got a consultant appointment on Tuesday and a diabetic clinic appointment. Any one else had experience of this... I've cut out my sugar and hig carb things, had stir fry for tea, just chicken and vegetables, and not having sugar in my tea etc.. any one got any tips on what I can eat.
Mum has been really helpful as she's had it for so long (since she was 15 months old) but its hard to find things to eat that havent got loads of sugar or carbohydrates in. Any ideas anyone? Im just really worried... googled and shouldnt have :shock:
Thanks guys,
Lib and Bump
Oh hun, no direct experience but I am sure there are many small changes u can make to help it and u and baby will be well looked after to make sure it doesn't affect u both too much. Good luck xxx
thanks, just abit worried, pregnant women should be banned from google!!
Ban google searches from bow onwards Hun. U will be fine xxxx
Hey i had the hospital ring me today and tell me that my glucose tolerance results came back as 5.8 which is slightly high and i have to go back to see a deitician, a obstretion (sp) and a diabetic nurse. I have also been told i am anemic as my iron levels r low. If u dnt mind me askin what were your levels? I also now have to have a consultant aswell as a midwife.
Hope your ok.

Amy xx
Hi there, I've just been diagnosed with this too. Had my session with the diabetic consultant and dietician yesterday and got taught how to use the glucose monitor etc etc.... And TBH I'm not quite so worried about it now :) basically, cutting out anything with silly levels of sugars and monitoring your carb intake should make a huge difference. Small things like using wholegrain variations of products - breads, pastas, crackers, wraps etc make a big difference, eating regular meals and snacks all helps too. Drink plenty of water. Dietician told me that the rule of thumb for meals was to make sure my plates are made up of 1/4 protein- meat, fish, chicken, egg etc.... 1/4 carbs, pasta, potato, rice, bread etc... And 1/2 veggies / salad which is not really limiting at all :)
If you really need something sweet, sugar free jelly with diet yoghurt will give you the sugar hit without the glucose spike,
Oops, pressed the button before I was ready to post !

Veggie sticks with hummus, wholegrain ryvita with ricotta/ collage cheese/ low fat Phillip and ham/ tomato , fresh fruit, diet yoghurts are all good for snacks.

I've only been doing testing etc for the past 2 days so I'm still definitely on a learning curve, but so far so good and my levels are responding and doing what they should. Have to go back in 2 weeks to see how things are going but hopefully I'll be able to manage the next 10 weeks well.

Once you're in the swing of things, it doesn't seem so scary and bottom line we're doing this for baby as well as us, so that should keep us in line :)
My midwife is adamant that I can still have a normal birth and that there won't be any need for interventions/ inductions etc if I can keep things under control - so that's my motivation!
Thanks for that huni and nice to know your getting on track of things. :)

Without being too nosey can i ask what your levels were? Also i work in a sweet shop so not eating sugary things is gona b really hard for me lol. Do you know what the normal level for glucose and iron should be?

Thanks in advance hun and good luck :).

Amy xx
Ohhh working in a sweet shop- that would be my dream job and my downfall!!!!
My fasting level before the GTT was 5.8 , they like it to be under 5.1.
Likewise 2 hours after the test it was 7.8 and they like it to be under 7.

Since I've started testing, cutting out the sugars and monitoring what I'm eating my levels have come way down, to "normal" levels. It's amazing the difference small things make. Will freely admit to being a bit of a carb addict so I can see exactly where I need to make the changes... And it seems to be working :)
Don't worry, am sure you'll be fine once you've tweaked things a bit- that's all it takes :)
Hey Ladies... sound like me, my levels were very high (fasting 8.4, 2 hrs after 15.3!!!!!) so they decided for me that it was best I start on insulin straight away! First thing she said was that my figures were impressive lol but that with fasting figures so high it's likely that I already had it!

Again, diet is important and with the help of regular BS testing you should be able to stabilise your levels.

I had my first appointment on friday, baby was a little big they said (4lb8oz at 30+4) and I was completely shocked he's 3 weeks ahead of schedule!!

If your levels are stable around the time of delivery it will make things easier.. Not sure what they'll tell you but Im not allowed to go any further than 38-39 or even earlier depending on size.

Lastly, please dont be scared...if its controled properly itcan be managed and they will keep a really good eye on you!

I have a friend who is Type1 and shes pointed me in the direction of some good sites..

PM me if you want to chat xxxx
Eldra...I was told the levels should be :

Fasting / Before meals : Betweem 4-6
2 Hours post meal : between 4-7

Hey i had the hospital ring me today and tell me that my glucose tolerance results came back as 5.8 which is slightly high and i have to go back to see a deitician, a obstretion (sp) and a diabetic nurse. I have also been told i am anemic as my iron levels r low. If u dnt mind me askin what were your levels? I also now have to have a consultant aswell as a midwife.
Hope your ok.

Amy xx

I've been put on iron as well, they gave me tablets at first but I was suffering from constipation anyways so I'm now taking Spatone, it's a mineral water iron supplement, much better on your tummy and doesnt bung you up the same. Just a thought if you are on iron. My GTT came back at 9.8 :shock:
Hope your ok
Lib xx

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