General anaesthetic mummies


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2014
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Any other mums have a general anaesthetic birth?

My little boy is 16 months and I think I am still traumatised by it all. There were serious doubts over whether both of us would make it due to undiagnosed medical conditions throughout my pregnancy. I hate how I wasn't there for my son when he needed me most, I hate how I didn't meet him until he was 2.5 hours old and my partner was denied being at the birth of his son. I hate how I was lying in a high dependency bed for the first 3 days of his life and could hardly do a thing for him. It still really upsets me.

I was adamant that I wouldn't have anymore babies after that, although I know I would be consultant led and been monitored really closely I don't think I can risk it again my son needs me. But then I look at him playing and feel guilty at denying him a sibling to have fun with. I know my partner would want more kids as well. But I genuinely don't know if I could do it.

Has anyone else been through similar? Did you go on to have more children? How did you find your pregnancy?

Hi there, didn't want to read and run. I didn't have a general anaesthetic birth but had an emergency section. I don't know if it would still be available to you but I met with a consultant after the birth of my daughter to talk through what happened. I felt some very strong emotions and this helped me a bit. Was told to wait two years before trying for another baby because I also had an undiagnosed condition when pregnant with my daughter. I am now around 11 weeks pregnant and although it is a high risk pregnancy and I worry about anything happening to me or the baby we have decided to go for it as our daughter has brought us so much joy and I really want her to have a sibling.
It's a very personal decison of you want another.
Hi, I had a general anaesthetic with my first due to HELLP syndrome and didn't get to see him for 24 hours, I think I cried most of the time waiting to see him xx but I went on to have another as I wanted a sibling for him to play with xx there is just 25 months between them now my second was a c section due to meconium but a much better experience as I was awake for it xx and now TTC #3 xx wishing you all the luck and the strength to make whatever decision is best for you xxx
I had my 5 month old son by emergency c section. It was such a rush as I was fully dilated and couldn't help pushing but he was in distress, bless him. The epidural only worked down one side so they had to knock me out. I feel sad my husband and I missed out on the birth of what may be our only child due to fertility issues. To be honest I think it was worse for him than me, he was so worried about us but I was high on diamorphine and don't remember being worried. Looking back I wish I had had an epidural instead of the diamorphine as then at least they might have been able to do the section with me awake. I already know that if we are lucky enough to have another baby I will be making sure I have a planned section as I don't think I could handle the worry of it happening again. Talk to your doctor and see if they can offer any advice, you're certainly not alone in your concerns xx
I didn't have a GA, but I had an emergency C-section for pre-eclampsia and didn't get to hold my baby for 3 days as I was too unwell. I saw her briefly whizz over my head in theatre, but that was it for days. I didn't get to feed her (my milk never came in anyway) or change her first nappy or anything like that. I don't like to think too much about the whole experience - she was in SCBU for 3 weeks as well, which was really hard.

I remember being scared about a second pregnancy, but we so badly wanted a sibling for our daughter, that we did decide to go for it. I had gestational diabetes with my second pregnancy and a planned C-section. It was a completely different experience and I got to hold my son almost as soon as he was born, feed him in recovery and then we were back on the ward together. I have to say that while I didn't enjoy my second pregnancy, I am so glad I had another baby. There are 21 months between my two and they are very close. It was definitely worth it.

Have you spoken to a consultant or anyone who could go through your concerns with you? Sometimes also when you know what to look out for yourself, that helps too (I monitored my own bp during my second pregnancy!). I really think going through your risks etc. with someone well qualified to talk about it with you is the way to go. It may allay your fears xx
Thanks for sharing your experiences ladies. I did have a review with a consultant at 6 weeks but I think it was still too raw then to talk about or get my head round. I might speak to my GP and see if there is anyway someone could go over everything with me and request my medical notes.

KEW totally get where you are coming from I feel awful for my partner he was sitting in a hospital corridor with my mum watching doctors rush into theatre without a clue what was happening - I don't know how I would have coped with that.

My friend had counselling and discussions with her delivery team after an unnecessarily traumatic birth- it didn't happen until a couple of years after her daughter was born but it helped her a lot. All her medical notes were carefully reviewed in these sessions and she had many questions answered. She was very upset by the whole birth experience and I think this has answered a lot of questions and given her the confidence to try again. Maybe you could ask for some similar sessions. I hope everything works out for you xx
I had a emergency section under GA, I was 7cm dilated and got sepsis, became really really poorly and they rushed me into theatre, put me to sleep, my son was born at 6.51pm and they woke me up at 10pm! I was poorly for months afterwards as well so found the first few months of my sons life so hard to cope with, especially as we have no family help just me and my hubby who is self employed and had to work. Those days are bitter sweet memories but I find myself asking and feeling all the same feelings you have described! I still don't have the courage to have another and my oh is still traumatised so I doubt we ever will have another. Im just so grateful that my son still has a mummy because he very nearly didn't. I keep telling my oh that he will have plenty of friends to play with lol. Never say never though ey xxx

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