general anaesthetic

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Anyone know anything about the risks to a baby if, whilst pregnant, you had to have a general anaesthetic - but not labour related. I've googled it but can't find anything really. Thanks
Hi Babybee :wave:

I had a General Anaesthetic when I was 5 weeks pregnant for a laparoscopy (they thought I had had an ectopic and didn't think I had a viable pregnancy). A scan 10 days later showed I was in fact pregnant and baby was fine
I had a general to have a laparoscopy when i was about 5 weeks gone, as they thought i was having an ectopic. I think i was at a slightly higher risk of MC for 48 hours afterwards, but theres no risks now
andreaaa said:
Hi Babybee :wave:

I had a General Anaesthetic when I was 5 weeks pregnant for a laparoscopy (they thought I had had an ectopic and didn't think I had a viable pregnancy). A scan 10 days later showed I was in fact pregnant and baby was fine

LOL exactly the same as me!
missjennipenni, how strange that we had the same!

The reason for mine was that I should have been 8ish weeks yet there was no baby/yolk etc in the sac so they thought it was a sudonym (sp) sac and that my real pg was ectopic. My Beta Hcg was only rising 10 to 20% also.

They think my original pg wasn't viable but that I then conceived our baby when I thought I was already pg, it was all a bit of a shock.

When they did the laparoscopy though the surgeon also wanted to do a D&C but we said no, wouldnt be having our little girl if that had happened. They also then wanted me to have methotrexate (which would have destroed baby also) but on the day we went in to have the injection the Doctor decided to scan me first - and there was our baby :shock:

She is our little miracle :)
awww i'm glad things worked out for you two! yay.

I can't find any info on having one at this stage in pregnancy. - and not pregnancy related.

I have holes in both of my retinas (in the back of my eye) and these have been stitched with lasers a few years ago. I've been told, ever since they were first found that there is a risk of retinal detachment - which when untreated would leave me blind in that eye. Now the symptoms i've been told to look for include a shadow/veil creeping in on the vision.
I've noticed something funny with my left eye - like a shadowy part at the bottom so i called my Eye department and i have an appointment tomorrow.

They'll see whether there is anything to worry about. If it is retinal detachment i'd need surgery under a general anaesthetic and i'm worried that if that was the case i'd have to choose between a risk to the baby and my sight!!!

Hopefully all will be well though!
andreaaa said:
missjennipenni, how strange that we had the same!

The reason for mine was that I should have been 8ish weeks yet there was no baby/yolk etc in the sac so they thought it was a sudonym (sp) sac and that my real pg was ectopic. My Beta Hcg was only rising 10 to 20% also.

They think my original pg wasn't viable but that I then conceived our baby when I thought I was already pg, it was all a bit of a shock.

When they did the laparoscopy though the surgeon also wanted to do a D&C but we said no, wouldnt be having our little girl if that had happened. They also then wanted me to have methotrexate (which would have destroed baby also) but on the day we went in to have the injection the Doctor decided to scan me first - and there was our baby :shock:

She is our little miracle :)

The reason they thought i was ectopic was because i had a mirena coil in when i concieved, and so they scanned me early. They saw a 2cm mass in my tube, and a psuedonym sac like what you had. I was offered the methotrexate too (and i am thankfull every day that i refused!!) and so they took me in to remove my tube. But turned out to be a cyst, so they left it. Went back 2 weeks later, there was baby! I cry sometimes, thinking how close i came to destroying this baby :(
BabyBee said:
awww i'm glad things worked out for you two! yay.

I can't find any info on having one at this stage in pregnancy. - and not pregnancy related.

I have holes in both of my retinas (in the back of my eye) and these have been stitched with lasers a few years ago. I've been told, ever since they were first found that there is a risk of retinal detachment - which when untreated would leave me blind in that eye. Now the symptoms i've been told to look for include a shadow/veil creeping in on the vision.
I've noticed something funny with my left eye - like a shadowy part at the bottom so i called my Eye department and i have an appointment tomorrow.

They'll see whether there is anything to worry about. If it is retinal detachment i'd need surgery under a general anaesthetic and i'm worried that if that was the case i'd have to choose between a risk to the baby and my sight!!!

Hopefully all will be well though!

At this stage, im pretty sure the risks to baby are very small. Ive known women to have their appendix & stuff out, and baby has been fine. I think they use a lower dose, and will moniter you carefully.
I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but what are your chances of having the operation before baby is born anyway? Obviously this is something you'd need asap but could it be a few months before you get to the head of the list?

Anesthetists are professionals who know what they are doing. They will tell you about all and any risks. I don't think there are risks to your baby, but they have to pay extra attention to you as your body works differently during pregnancy.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
kalia said:
I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but what are your chances of having the operation before baby is born anyway? Obviously this is something you'd need asap but could it be a few months before you get to the head of the list?

Anesthetists are professionals who know what they are doing. They will tell you about all and any risks. I don't think there are risks to your baby, but they have to pay extra attention to you as your body works differently during pregnancy.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

luckily there is no list for this sort of operation - it'd be done within about 48 hours as the longer you leave it the less chance of my sight being saved there'd be - which is good as there'd be no waiting

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