

New Member
Apr 6, 2006
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hi only joined today im 20 weeks and cant wait to find out if im having a boy or girl..i have a daughter so would love a little boy..been reading all the old wives tales but does anyone belive them like heartbeat per min
Hi and welcome. Not really sure about the wives tales as I have not heard any.

When is your scan?
Hi there,

I was told if heart rate over 150 its a girl and below is a boy... mine was always 150 - 160 and yes I am having a girl.

Not sure about the galloping horse sound = girl and train sound = boy as mine sounded like a train but is a girl!!

So... good luck!!
i have my scan tomorrow ...just have a feeling its a girl and everyone else says a boy ..the heartbeat is 142 per min and sometimes it sounds like a train and sometimes like a horse
my midwife told me the heartbeat is faster when the baby is awake & slower when the baby is asleep, boy or girl!!

i was hoping she could give me an indication to the sex by the heartbeat speed, as i am determined not to find out the sex at the scan this time!

congratulations on your pregnancy :clap:

enjoy the scan & let us know the sex, if you get to see!
foxymum is right.. the heartbeat really does vary.. when I listen with my doppler my LO's heart rate drops quite dramatically then rises again to show sleep / wake patterns and movement etc... I only measure the rate when it has been constant for 5 mins..
Hi borabora

Have you tired the ring on thread test... it is also a old wifes tale but worked on me.....

Take a ring that your partner has bought you and hang it on a piece of cotton/thread, dangle it over your belly straight down and if it starts swinging back and fourth it will be a boy or in circles is a girl.

Before my scan I was secretly hoping for a girl (can buy pretter stuff for girls :lol: ) but when I did the ring test it was saying boy, then two days later at the scan...... it was a boy!! (I am happy now its a boy!!)

When is your scan, must be soon?

Keely xxxx
B's heart beat was 150 till 38 weeks then went down to 138, i asked the doc bout the heart beat test and its only in the last few weeks u can tell lol, i knew B was a boy tho, 'had that feeling' lol
All of the 'Old Wives Tales' were very accurate for me when I was pregnant with Phoebe.

The Chinese Gender Charts were accurate too :lol:

I think I do believe in them to an extent but I wouldn't rely on them :dance:
I was going to start a new topic about this! i was going to ask if anyone could offer advise on the following;

1. all front or all behind - boy or girl?
2. sweet tooth - boy or girl?
3. carryng high or low - hoy or girl?

at the moment i think i'm all front. I never really had a sweet tooth, could take or leave chocolate and never really ate cakes... i was more savory! i could eat a large bag of doritoz or strong cheeses mmm... but now!!! i'll eat anything sweet!!! give me a packet of biscuits or a danish pastry and i wont leave a crumb!!!! I can eat chocolate for breakfast! as for being high or low.... i've also gone off meat! don't touch it.... i used to worship the atkins diet!!!! i now eat plenty of fish.... any ideas what sex this baby could be?

im having a boy and his heart rate is usually between 137 and 145
I had convinced myself I was having a boy, I think because that is what I wanted! My DHs Mum did the pendant test and it was a girl over and over again! I wont find out until my next scan but I am so pleased she said it was a girl because I have now really got my head round the fact I might not have a boy! I now honestly don't mind either way which is a bit of a relief!
r u sure ur baby is a lad and even ask my bf the baby is deprently a boy. i was hopin 4 a girl, but i have got the rest of my life to have a girl

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