Gender predictor


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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Hi all

Tankett wrote on another post that she had used the Chinese gender chart to see what it predictered her baby would be so I thought I'd give it a try, apparently I'm having a girl (but it also says that my second should have been a girl wrong!!! lol)

anyway while looking I also found this site it uses old wives tales to predict the babys sex, you just answer the questions ( you don't have to answer all of them) and then it tells you your chances of having a boy or girl.

Mine was 38% chance a boy and 62% chance a girl.

thought I'd just share it with you all.

i just did this questionaire it said

31% boy
68% girl

and im having a girl!!!

This one says that I am having a girl, other 2 have been a boy!!
I'm 30% boy & 69% of the Chinese gender predictor's I found on here says I'm having a boy & the other says a girl!!

I'm off to see if I can find any more so I can get an average!!
I think I had done every single predictor on the net in the beginning of my pregnancy and I would say 90% of them told me I was having a girl and sure enough I am having a girl!!! :D :D :D

xoxo Ree
The chinese charts say im having a boy and this one says 60% boy and 39% girl.

Im having a boy so these charts are right for me :D

Rachel x
Wrong trimester for me yet, but for Damien it says 47% boy, 52% girl. So what will the other 1% be? A hemaphrodite (sp?) ?! LOL

Apparently - because I got HUGE boobs (32C to a 34E!!), I looked minging, my nose hasn't changed shape and I drink orange juice he should be a girl....LMAO!!!

Excellent :D
Hmmm, every chart I have looked at so far shows a boy, but this one shows only a 30% chance of having a boy, 69% chance of a girl, and just like Sami, a 1% chance of having a hemaphrodite!!!
Mine says 50/50.

I'm like Tankett though....all the others I've tried say I'm having a boy??!!

Weird?!, I can't wait to find out for real! :D
Trust me to be the odd one - I have a 50/50 chance!! Imagine that!

According to the scan it is a girl - so fingers crossed!

S. xx
mine was 43% Boy and 57% girl... but thats wrong as I am having a BOY! well i hope it is wrong or my girls is going to be dressed in all blue!! hehe xxx

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