

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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o/h was fired on friday from his job had a letter today confirming it and giving the reason as having too much time off :shock: he dared to have 2 weeks off when jamie died :cry: f*****************
I cannot believe that! How awful!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :shock:

can he appeal? that's disgusting!!
hes in touch with his union and they are appealing it the bosses had a meeting with the union yesterday morning and the HR boss was not aware of our baby dying :shock: and said they needed to have another discussion about it the boss who fired him was bloody aware of it though evil pig :evil: we should know more when hes spoken to union rep this afternoon
just cant believe they are putting us through this dont they think we have been through enough already xxxxxxxxx
I hope the union get it sorted for you both Rach. We've had dealings with unfair dismissal etc before and they were a real help to us although it's added stress that you just don't need.

Keep us updated and thinking of you both

Tan x
Oh my god i am totally fuming for you!! What a arsehole!!! They cant do this to you make sure you fight it and sue the *******s!!! Sorry they are putting you through this some people make me so angry. :evil:

sorry don`t know what to say besides i`m disgusted!!!!
(((Rach))), what an arse that boss is. Hopefully the union will sort it all out, let us know how he gets on xxx
Bloody hell! What a beeping beeper! :evil:

I can't believe they would do this to you guys, you don't need this or deserve it. I hope the union sort this out ASAP & that beeper gets a good talking down to if that information wasn't passed onto the HR manager!

*Hugs* x
We went through the same thing 2 weeks before I was due to have Charlie. My husbands company turned round and said he was untrustworthy...load of rubbish cos he more or less ran the office and the fact that he had time off with me when things were abit scary with the pregnancy (even though he made the time back) and terminated his contract 1 week before the 12 month employment period so he didnt have as many working rights.

I hated the company he worked for cos when I had a miscarriage last year my DH took the day off to comfort me and his boss called to offer his sympathy and ask whether he would be back at the office that afternoon cos it was busy....insensitive git!!!!!
oh hunni thats terrible!!

im sorry your going through this.

thats awfull! you wonder what goes through peoples heads... :evil:
fingers crossed it all gets sorted ((hug))
Im speechless, how callous can people be. Have they no compasion.
Have you guys not been through enough already??!!

I am so sorry to hear you are going through this, I really hope they sort this horrible situation out soon and quick sharp too

I am disgusted for you, and sending you both big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx
that's just not right!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

I really hope things gets sorted, and can you not prove then that the boss knew about Jamie? then, you can take him to court!

lots of hugs
mel xx
Im disgusted. I hope the union can help you out Rach. Have you tried the CAB too?
That is an absolute disgrace rach :evil: i am so angry for you. I hope that the union puts them firmly in their place :evil:

I'm spitting here
can't believe someone could be so bl**dy heartless, how dare he.

Hope you both get it sorted.

Take care of you.x
I feel sick with anger for you Rach, what a bunch of insensitive tossers!

Hope it all gets sorted out. I'm really really really sorry :(

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