Dodgy Postman

I made a complaint about my postman a couple of months ago as he was knocking of my door for 'a chat' and it was freaking me out. I feel very vunrable at home on my own to the point where I keep my living room curtains closed till the postman has been. He stopped calling for about 2 weeks then came back again and I have refused to open my door to him since the first complaint. This has resulted in me not getting larger/sign for items of mail because I won't open the door to him.

He knocked again today and I rang up customer services to complain again and they are now investigatin it and he is being taken off the round and might be fired for abusing his position of trust.

It's just freaked me out how someone could abuse their job like that to talk to women :(
:shock: Sami, that's awful! You definitely did the right thing though - hopefully he won't be put on your round ever again :evil:
always keep a baseball bat behind the front door :wink: :wink:

thats proper freaky, i worry about stuff like that when i'm out and hevs at home on her own, we got a cctv system the other day cos we cant see whos at our front door from the window, gonna hook it up soon as pos now :shock:
The women at Customer Services was lovely and assured me it will be dealt with immediately, which it was as 2 minutes later the guy from the local office rang me (who employs him) to talk about the issue.

Turns out if it definately was my postman today, he had snuck in to get the parcel to deliver to me because he was meant to be off sick :shock:
they told me to ring the police if he comes back.
I'd be really scared if that was me. I think you did the right thing though. Luckily here in London, the post is so erratic its a different postie every day (if one even turns up). The only thing we've got is a dodgy neighbour who looks like the leader of the Church of Satan and drops cryptic notes through our postbox in the middle of the night. Needless to say we've complained to the flat managers about him. :shock:
Madi's Daddy said:
we got a cctv system the other day cos we cant see whos at our front door from the window, gonna hook it up soon as pos now :shock:

thats what iv got too. i just turn channel 6 on my tv and i can see and hear out side. een though most of the time i use it for earwigging on the neighbours :shhh:
omg hun im not surprised ur freaked out
deffo get that baseball bat :wink:
dionne said:
Madi's Daddy said:
we got a cctv system the other day cos we cant see whos at our front door from the window, gonna hook it up soon as pos now :shock:

thats what iv got too. i just turn channel 6 on my tv and i can see and hear out side. een though most of the time i use it for earwigging on the neighbours :shhh:

LOL you nosy bird. My neighbours are old or single women, not very exciting, well, excet what the women over the road do, but I can see them without CCTV :lol:
Sami said:
Turns out if it definately was my postman today, he had snuck in to get the parcel to deliver to me because he was meant to be off sick :shock:
they told me to ring the police if he comes back.

:shock: Thats shocking! Glad you managed to get it sorted without any hassle :)
Oh Sami this is awful - I am a postie,and I can tell you that they employ some real dodgy f@@kers.They don't give a toss who delivers the mail,so long as it is out of the office,and they come and go so quickly.We have had thieves and stalkers at our office,and the worst thing is they can find out so much about you just through your mail.
You have done the right thing,I'd get the police involved if he comes back,f@@kin freak. :evil:
Big hugs to you :hug: :hug:
bagpuss said:
Oh Sami this is awful - I am a postie,and I can tell you that they employ some real dodgy f@@kers.

Including my ex husband, dont come much dodgier than him!

I keep a cricket bat right by the front door in case he turns up. He's not supposed to know where I am but stalker found me. I left my last house as he kept coming round and just walking in if I had the door on the latch for DD :shock:

Its good RM are taking it seriously hun :hug:
OMG :shock: Sami i am so shocked
to come back of sick to get a parcel for you is just too freaky for words!!!

Glad RM are taking you seriously
That is seriously scary! Glad you reported him! Just as I read this a postie turned up with a package :shock:
I'm sure most RM posties are fine, and I've not had any problems with them before, so I don't want to give them a bad name, he is just a very bad, freaky, postie :?
If you see him near your house again just phone the police hun. You've told RM twice so next time is police time. That's just really plain scary that he went to get a parcel when he was off sick :shock:
Sounds creepy. I think you done the right thing.
I only open the window to mine when things need sign ing for. You cant be too careful these days.
I know I shouldn't joke, but why the heck would he wana talk to me! :lol: I look like shite in the morning! Maybe it's the vomit covered dressing gown :shock:

God, some men are such frikking perverts. :puke:
:shock: cor that does sound scary.
good ur getting it sorted!

My blinds are always twitching im a nosey sod!! :lol:
:rotfl: haha dressing gown!
I can't believe he sorted it so he could deliver a parcel and see you. That is sooo weird. Hope they do sack him - it isn't a dating agency!

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