Fundal Height

Wow your bumpy like me. I had a little bump at like 9-10 weeks too :P

my friend saw me and my sister together yesterday and said if she didnt know better she'd think we were both the same amount through our pregnancies.... My sister is 34 1/2 weeks!!! lol

I'm huge, but we put it down to it being the 4th pregnancy and my laparoscopy last may :)
Wow your bumpy like me. I had a little bump at like 9-10 weeks too :P

my friend saw me and my sister together yesterday and said if she didnt know better she'd think we were both the same amount through our pregnancies.... My sister is 34 1/2 weeks!!! lol

I'm huge, but we put it down to it being the 4th pregnancy and my laparoscopy last may :)

Yeah this is my first... I had a laparoscopy too but that was about 3-4 years ago now, maybe more...

My friend is near on 27 weeks and I look more far gone than she does!! One of our mutual friends asked if it was long before I popped. I was like I've got ages yet! lol
my mw started measuring me from 28 weeks , they measure from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus,you should measure the same amount of cm for how many weeks pregnant you are but can measure a few cm up or down and thats ok. if it is quite alot bigger or smaller they will send you for a growth scan.hope this helps x
my mw started measuring me from 28 weeks , they measure from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus,you should measure the same amount of cm for how many weeks pregnant you are but can measure a few cm up or down and thats ok. if it is quite alot bigger or smaller they will send you for a growth scan.hope this helps x

Thank you chicken :)
Wow your bumpy like me. I had a little bump at like 9-10 weeks too :P

my friend saw me and my sister together yesterday and said if she didnt know better she'd think we were both the same amount through our pregnancies.... My sister is 34 1/2 weeks!!! lol

I'm huge, but we put it down to it being the 4th pregnancy and my laparoscopy last may :)

Yeah this is my first... I had a laparoscopy too but that was about 3-4 years ago now, maybe more...

My friend is near on 27 weeks and I look more far gone than she does!! One of our mutual friends asked if it was long before I popped. I was like I've got ages yet! lol

Yeah I get that alot 2, I'm grateful of goin by 4w months and being able to say I'm 6 months lol. It is my 4th pregnancy yes but my other 3 were angels lost before 12w. We'll just blame our laparoscopys hey? Lol
I love your bumpy pics Sprog, I have been rubbish with mine!!

Sarah I got measured last Friday when I was 24 plus 5 but she didn't tell me the measurement just said everything was in range. She put the tape measure at the top of my pubic bone to just beneath my rib cage. I am also very confused by thus because I know my baby lies low.

I just want scans at these appointment not a tape measure lol

I had my fundal measured for the first time today. She kinda poked and prodded just below my ribs and then said she was feeling for the top of my uterus. She said i measured at least 23 weeks, although I am not quite there yet. She measured from where she though the top of my uterus was right down to my pubic bone.

dont quite understand the whys of why the do it, but thats what she did for me!
Do they do it while your standing, or sitting, or lying down, or reclined!?

I did my own lol after writing the thread.. I did it from the top of my pubic bone, to just under where my underwire where my bra is... And it said 34cm :|....
Lol... I'm probably doing it wrong haha
lol bless, that wouldnt be the top of ur uterus, (usually about 4/5 cm above ur bellybutton by now) you can feel it but have to have a good press around, (mw are good at this). Its done when you're lying down.
lol bless, that wouldnt be the top of ur uterus, (usually about 4/5 cm above ur bellybutton by now) you can feel it but have to have a good press around, (mw are good at this). Its done when you're lying down.

Haha curiosity killed the cat! :whistle:

Thanks hun :P I was like wtf, 34 cm!? LOL I did it standing up too haha!

Hi, I'm sarah, and I'm a doofus. :wave:
I was measured at my 16 week appointment and she said I was on the smaller side so I asked her to go away and check her tape measure as it was clearly broken.

Wonder why she measured so early then if the rest of you ladies are over 22 weeks etc??? Everything about being pregnant is confusing!!! :)
^^ WSS.. :D
I was first measured at my 25 week appointment, and measured in at 24cm/24 weeks..
My midwife said that they consider 2cm either side is 'normal', and if you are measuring bigger/smaller than that then they'll send you for a growth scan..

lol bless, that wouldnt be the top of ur uterus, (usually about 4/5 cm above ur bellybutton by now) you can feel it but have to have a good press around, (mw are good at this). Its done when you're lying down.

Haha curiosity killed the cat! :whistle:

Thanks hun :P I was like wtf, 34 cm!? LOL I did it standing up too haha!

Hi, I'm sarah, and I'm a doofus. :wave:

:rofl: bless ya :)

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