fundal height 1 week behind


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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my fundal height has been a week behind what the scans dated me at every midwife appt, what is more accurate for how far gone i am? i assume the scans but also, does having the fundal height one week behind mean a small baby? ive been eating right, dont drink or smoke anyway and havent done anything as far as i know to cause baby to be small (thought i doubt in labour i will mind a small baby!)

i know that this is probably a really stupid question but i had to ask as i want to know :oops:
fundal hieght measurment is very inaccurate so i wouldnt worry, they only tend to worry if your like 3-4 weeks out by your dates, it could just be the way the baby is laying so dont worry hun :hug:
well at the moment baby has decided to lie transverse so im hoping she spins!!

the midwife hasnt seemed worried or anything i just forget to ask these things when im in the office then come out and think of a million and one things!
that could well be why your measuring small then chick, im the same though go in with a million and one questions and come out asking none of them.

Tbh i dont think fundal hieght can give a clear indication whether or not your baby is small or big, i measured exact for my dates all the way with hope and she was 9lb 8 when she was born, a massive chunk. lol
Fundal height is not a good indication of baby size tbh. I'd take it with a pinch of salt and not worry. It varies from person to person when being measured also. Its far from an exact science.

FWIW I was measuring one week ahead from 28 weeks. My LO popped out at almost 10lb just after his due date.
cool, thanks, i guess its just cause i didnt know any of this before!! and i know that its supposed to measure about right, but i didnt know that it wasnt an indication of baby size.

thanks everyone :D
Yeah, our little one started measuring 2weeks behind soon after the 20week scan. The last month or so he was measuring 4weeks behind! :shock: Different midwives measuring each time. So they sent me for a growth scan the week before I was due and it turned out I was only 2 weeks behind still :roll: but they weren't bothered because everything else looked fine and I have a petite build anyway so they expected baby to be between 6 & 7lbs...not a big 'un :)

As it is he popped out safe and sound 5days over due with a nice mop of hair and weighing in at 6lbs 8oz :D
So nothing to worry about :hug:
ive been measuring 2-3 weeks bigger at each appointment and yesterday they did say baby is a very nice size for 30 weeks, with my first i was measuring 2 weeks bigger but she was only 7lb 10oz. as the others have said i would'nt worry as most of the time fundal height is not correct
My fundal height was measuring a good couple of weeks behind when I was pregnant with lil miss, so much so that if I wasn't having regular scans all showing a big baby, my midwife was going to send me to the hospital as an emergancy ... lil miss popped out weighing nearly 9lbs... :rotfl: my friend was measuring a good couple of weeks ahead and her baby popped out just under 8lbs so it has no indication tbh.
Its true, its not accurate. My friend recently gave birth to a 6lber, she measured 2 weeks ahead all the time :lol:
Im measuring 4 weeks behind yet had a growth scan and she is perfect! Its more the way she is lay! And as you said shes transverse then that would explain it ! You haven't got her butt pushing the uterus up heehee

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