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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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have any of you ever been through this stage where you realise who real friends are, grrr.
omg basically this one girl i known YEARS shes a dick basically.
i can never get it into her,
she done ketamin the other day didnt tell me i had to find out of the other girl i fell out with :( and now we are arguing the thing is i feel like telling her where to go shes moaning i dont make a effort blah blah blah.. shes just a dick and i hate the drugs thing shes getting well too deep into it. and its pointless..
shes abandoned old friends for new ones that are only frinds with her cos of the drugs thing..
but yeah this all seems to be my fault AGAIN.
as always.. never anyone elses fault. cos they done nothing wrong.
i said things are hard with me cos im having the baby and stuff, and she said this..
"it doesnt affect you the baby isnt due til september"
i want to slap her
doesnt affect me MY ARSE

she needs to sort her life out and fuck off out of mine
im so angry.
:twisted: :twisted:

i need to calm down..
hun i would tell her where to go drugs imho are a big no no! i dont care what anyone says your not just a mum when you give birth your a mum from conception, its your job right from the beginning to protect that baby, from any harm/dangers and people like her, you will open a whole new world of friends once LO gets here with mum and baby groups etc and you will find hun as sad as this sounds pretty much all your old friends youve known for years will fade away, its a different life and i know youve known this girl for years however she doesnt sound like much oif a friend and tbh i would want that sort of person as far away from my child as possible!
I agree with alfies mummy, i had a friend like that, she got on to herion and stole my money for it, if she has chose drugs and druggie friends over you then im sorry but i would let her go...

Im not lost without the best friend i thought i had, im sure if she sorts her life out then you could sort your friend ship out but until then i say stay away, you dont need friends like that..

big hugs :hug: :hug:
oh huni :hug:its hard, but you don't need the stress. you and your baby comes first. its hard to see a friend do stuff like that.

i had to cut a lot of my friend out of my life when i was younger because they where getting too deep into drugs and the like. It was hard, but im glad i did it. I heard a while ago that one overdosed and died a few years back.

:hug: concentrate on your and your lo. As steph said, its hard to keep in contact with all your friends once you become a mum. But you make so many new even better ones!

we are always here if you ever need a chat.
I have lost friends to drug circles in the past. You can't talk sense to them, they enjoy what we class as utter stupidity and untill they realise it for themselves there is little you can do except kiss goodbuy to that once lovely friendship. It's still sad now thinking about the two friends I lost (lost as in just no longer friends not dead etc) but what can you do, it no longer effects me. I was 18 at the time (ish) but do just occassionally wonder now, 10 years later, what became of them. Drugs can effect anyone from any social background or upbringing but it's sad to see their effects.
Stay away from her, she doesn't sound like she really cares about your thoughts/ feelings, so why should you care about hers.

Sounds like you wanted to be a friend and she pushed you away, your pg and don't need the stress of trying to help/ support someone who doesn't want it......that'll be a struggle you could do without.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
i told her where to go and i fel so much better.
she was just runniong on a load of crap to me. and saying that i was talking down to her.
so yeah, i am relaising who my real friends are alot more now.
and they are all boys haha.. i get along with them so much better than girls. cos they just bitch all the time and i cnt be doing with it.
i know she will get deeper into drugs and no offence but when im oler and im driving around in a nice car and shes walking on the streets like a dick i can laugh at her.
Good on you! You have done the right thing - you tried to be a friend to her and help her and she chose not to listen! She's not worth it! She is probably jealous your life is going somewhere and hers isn't. Well nowhere good anyway!
nah she made it perfectly cleat that we are running different lives and i seem to be doing the worse thing apparently. but bringing a baby into the world.
haha what a knob.
my mate saw her today in town off her face. tbh im glad i know what im doing with my life. she dont know what bloody day it is.
good for you I know whose life i would rather have.

shes a silly girl for getting into it in the first place.
i have 2 true friends that dont come from this forum lost all my m8s wen i fell pregnant
Sarah&Braydon said:
i have 2 true friends that dont come from this forum lost all my m8s wen i fell pregnant

i dont know why people suddenly go all weird when you are pregnant it doesnt make sense to me.
A true friend would never put you in that position, and if u have told her where to go and she is a true friend she will realise what shes putting you through and sort it out... if not then she defo aint worth it.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
If theres one thing that filters the true friends from the rot its getting pregnant!

Good on you for telling her where to go, you dont need someone like that in your life, and you will make loads of new friends who understand what your about!
yeah i know exactly wht you all mean, its like i have my close friends now and i am going to stick with them, i lost my 2 best friends that have been there for me over the last 13 years but tbh i feel so much better geting rid of them in he nicest way possible cos now i can meet new friends, and i have done at college and thats why me and liz fell out(first friend) becasue she was jelous i was getting close with other people
and by the looks of things i am making a few wicked friends on here too which is amazing :)
thanks guys you make me feel better :)

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