Friendly Faces

Awww thanks - I always had in my head what dress i wanted since I was a kid - so I got this lady in Birmingham to make it for me.

Cost a fortune. Now its in the attic in a bin bag lol :shock:

L x
It is a lovely dress, lisa, really nice! :clap:

I was the same as you, had a really good idea of the dress I wanted for my wedding here and luckily i found one, on sale in a very tiny shop in Aylesbury :dance: :dance:
you can view pictures of it on

Urchin, I did not picture you like this at all!! you sound more mature than 30 years old, and I did not think you were blond...don't know why, tho, really strange how you make up an idea on people!!!

Yvonne, these ears ar so cute!!! and you look so young! I am jealous!

Beanie, you look like a friend of mine in France as well....hehehe, you are so famous!!!!!!! :lol:

mel xx
Thanks Melhoney! :D

I know what you mean about Urchin - I imagined her to look petite with really dark cropped hair l :shock: ol

L x
I imagined Urchin to be blonde, a surf chick :D Are you into the beach lifestyle, I like to wear the clothes but was pants at surfing, better at body boarding though still fell off
this is me on my wedding day


me and emma

Imwarr it says I don't have permission to view the picture :(

Good to see you both Kelly and Lisa :D
fantastic photo's everyone.

I admit i look about 16, but i am 24- honest!!! :D
Oh no how do i do this. I have uploaded photo on a photo website thingy so why dont it work?
lmwarr said:
Oh no how do i do this. I have uploaded photo on a photo website thingy so why dont it work?

Hmm, do you have a click a "make it public" box or something?
I've not used the Kodak site before, most of us use .

Also, when you post a picture you need to put
Imwarr - it says 'forbidden' !! :shock:

Cheers Beanie :lol:

We ought to do one where we put pictures up of us a few days after bringing them home!!! The one of me like that is sooooooooo bad - I look seriously awful. Think I have a maternity nightie on with wooly socks and a black wooly cardigan (soooo rough looking) lol lol...maybe not eh!! :?

L x
*comes clean* I'll be 33 in May! Does that mean I'm the geriatric of the group?

Lovely wedding photos!

i right clicked on that URL Imwarr and said "open in New window" and it did but it's tiny, about the size of a postage stamp.

Try uploading to

Tiny Sue - I'm 33 this year, so your not on your own !!!!!

L x
This is me on hol in Magaluff Aug 2004


This is our little girl!


Havent managed to get 1 of oh he hates his pic being taken!


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