frer question


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Heeeyyyyy :)

Just quick question bout frer, has anyone or anyone know of anyone who has tested with frer at 10/11dpo and got BFN but then went on to get BFP?

Thanks :)
Me! I tested early with frer and there was no line, I didnt get a line until AF was due. x
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Thanks hun, I tested yest 11dpo and bfn but usually I wud be spotting before af now but nothing at all and now I'm driving myself mad wondering whether I am preggers or not arrrggghh!! Lol. Got bfp 13dpo last time so may test again tomoz if no spotting or af, bet she'll hit me like a ton of bricks tomoz now lol xx
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Good luck hun. X

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lots of luck hun, im thinking of getting a frer for my sunday testing as il be 13dpo by then...but yeh iv heard frer doesnt always pick it up early, sometimes it only shows wen af is due xxx
Thanks girls, belly well bloated up more today and I have twingyness goin on in there, dunno what to think, gona have to do another test tomoz 13dpo if af don't show anyway as I'm goin out in the night, don't wana face another bfn, puts such a downer on the day but dunno what's worse sometimes, the not know or bfn lol.
Good luck to u bella :) :) the pains u got do sound promising, :)
Good luck sweetie. Will keep my fx for you.xx
Good luck fingers crossed for you


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