Fortune teller?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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ok so i no many people dont believe in the, but.......
i went to see one tonight he was great!

i walked straight in the room, he told me i have 2 babies stupidy close a boy and girl, me and kris will be together forever but i will have an affair :shock: but kris will take me back,
although i dont want any more children i will have another 2 boy and a girl

he said he sees me with 5 children now but only 2 on earth... (i had 1 termination and 2 m/c)

and the wierdest thing ever!!!!!!!

he said, last night i dont some thing different with my boy, and he was very lonely and to not do it again!!!!

last night for the first time ever harley slept in his own room :shock: :shock:
Oh wow.....

That is so cool!!!!

Well I know there are people out there that do have good readings, but on the whole I am very sceptical.......

You obviously had a good reading, but I don't get how they know, how do they do it???

When I can't get an answer and proof to how this is done, I have doubt (I would make a good scientist)!! :lol:

I am really not sure, I am a sceptic, but I am on the fence coz otherwise, how did he know about your goings on yesterday and your losses ( :( )?
And the same with other people that have had good readings....... it's all beyond me :shock:

So I am neither norrr, but really confused :oops: :lol:

Did he describe the man you will be having an affair with, not got 8 legs has he? :moon:
I am the most sceptical person on the planet. I don't believe in ghosts, the afterlife, fate, horoscopes etc. Unless it is can be proven I don't believe in it.

Anyhoo, my best friend persuaded me to have my tarot cards read late last year. After reluctantly agreeing to 'waste' £30, this woman came to my house. She said:

I would have two children, a boy and a girl (at the time I did not believe her as my partner and I had not used contraception for 2.5 years! and I had convinced myself that there was something wrong with me. I fell naturally pregnant in April :D)

She told me straight away that I worked from home for myself. Which I do. She also said I was planning to go into business with someone, but it wouldn't work out........which is exactly what happened.

She said that she felt 4 children surrounding my mother. (I have 2 brothers, but my mum did have a termination 15 years ago)

She said I worried way too much (so true!) and that I had experienced a very unhappy childhood, which is an understatement!

Strangely enough, she also said that she felt I had 'the gift' myself but because I lacked faith, it was being wasted.

And Dionne..........she also said I would cheat on my partner and he would take me back too!! I really hope that one doesn't come true!!

Also, once I was walking down the street and this gypsy lady stopped me with the usual lucky heather for sale. I really hate this and was a little bit rude to her :oops: . She said that she felt there was a connection between me and the number 7. Oh the most lucky number around, must of taken her ages to think up that one!! She kept persisting though and asked me what my date of birth was............7/09/77. Coincidence? I don't know!!
I believe in it, because how else would they stuff like that? Sometimes they can pick up on little clues, like wedding or engagement rings for example! But how would he know about Harley being in the room on his own! I want to see a fortune teller, but sometimes they aren't real, but if you go to the right one it canbe fasinating.
wow how cool i do believ in things like that my god mother is a tarrot card reader and she nows things about me no one else does without me telling her, but i do believe there are a lot of con artists out there :( sounds like he was geniune :D

thats so good id love to see someone xxxxx
i really wanna go and see one but im scared lol! never really believed in them but after hearing people you know talk about it you actually start to wonder!
I have been to a fortune teller, I was only 15 at the time and she told me my future on what would happen and what to look out for when im 18.

Everything she has told me has come true so far still got a few more things to happen yet.

One thing tho its hard to find a good fortune teller and I don't suggest just picking one and believeing everything they say, do some research first and get reccomendations.

I am quite a spiritual person and have had some weird and wounderfull things happen to me, but knew most of that before it happend its very scary at first seeing a fortune teller but just be open mined :angel:
I do believe, some of them are really good.

Ive been learning to read the tarot cards... getting there slowly.

I went to see a tarot card reader when 4 weeks pregnant with zack,
didnt tell her i was pregnnat, she said I was going to have a girl and that I was going to get engaged to the babys father....

Well that was so wrong....

I was pregnant with a boy and the father left me when he found out I was pregnant, havent heard from him since.

She could have been looking to far into the future.....

Becuae im pregnant hopefully with a girl, will find out next friday 7th.
And im engaged to my OH.
Thats crazy!!

My nan actually does all that stuff !!

I've heard loads of stories about things like these. My best mates mum had a gypsi knock at her house.. randomly

Anyway, she ended up giving her a reading and almoist everything she said came true...

Things that where impossible to know about or things that hadn't happened yet

Its really wierd... theirs too much proof for it to just be a coinsedence

Really opens your mind up to things doesn't it..

I've never actually had one done though... would be really interested though
i belive, im a meduim myself, altho i havent practiced it for a while coz of having Coby.

i was told in jan of last year that i would meet someone, i wouldnt have a chance to run away (i never let anyone get close to me) he would move in and feelings would develop very quickly, and we would have a son.

well it all happend lol

while i was at the IOW festival, i had a card reading and the woman told me i was pregnant, i told her we was trying but we had stop for now and she said it didnt matter coz i already caught.
i did a test on the tuesday when i got back and it confermd what she said.

im now going back to the one who told me about jase and coby on the 5th of july, hopefuly she can tell me some more good stuff!

thats so weird though!!! How do they know? its got me all confused lol :shock:
seen some good and some crap ones, my mum had a reading when i was young and they told her i would drown in the canal :shock: but i have seen some amazing people that are clairvoyants and are fantastic, i'm fighting with Abi for the keyboard at the mo but will tell you about them again :)
i am sure i have posted on this board before???? :think:

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