For On-line Midwife


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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Hi!!im jenny and 20 years old. Im sorry to bother you, but im very confused at the moment. I came off the pill in March. I had a period 6 weeks later (i knew this was because my body was getting back to normal) then i had a period two weeks after that on the 4th May. Now nothing for over 5 weeks. Ive had pregnancy symtoms, and i thought my period was coming when it should have, i had achy abdomen, sore boobs, but nothing!!!im getting bloated very quickly when i eat food now and go from hungry to not wanting to eat, and feeling sick every now and again. Is it possible i am pregnant, but ovulated later than i should have cos my body isnt back to normal yet? ive tested, but up to now still negative. Please help me, im getting down when im so sure im pregnant then i get a negative
Hiya Jenny

Sorry I haven't got back to you...I've had a busy couple of days!!!

Um...with the pill it is a nightmare getting your periods back in sync at best it is usually recommended you don't try to conceive for at least 3 months after you have stopped the pill. This would explain your irractic periods.

As far as your pregnancy symptoms...yes it is possible you are pregnant, however I would advise you see your GP who will probably take a blood test to confirm, I suggest this as it would right now be difficult for you to assess whether or not you have missed a period in view of the irratic nature of them.

If you aren't pregnant, then I suggest you wait until your periods have regulated again before you try (if not leave at least 3 months...which I think it is now anyway).

Hope this makes sense :D

Thankyou!!!i think i may have ovulated this month when my nipples were sore, that was the weekend before last. If i did i will test this weekend, but if i didnt we will just keep trying!lol
Thankyou again for replying, i know u r very busy

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