Food extremes


Active Member
Sep 25, 2006
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Is anyone else having trouble with food? The morning sickness seems to be wearing off gradually but I constantly seem to be either starving hungry or feeling uncomfortable like I just ate a ten course meal. There seems to be no middle ground.. and I flip from one to the other at the drop of a hat.
I feel exactly the same. Hoped it would of passed by now but it hasn't.
Have you tried eating several small meals instead of 3 main meals? its normally a lot easier on your digestive system during pregnancy to eat little and often.
I am having a nightmare with food, totally gone off of it and would be happy if I did not have to eat! O/H has no idea what to get whilst doing the weekly shop as I don't really fancy anything (other than Haribo's?!), gone off meat completely, whereas before I go PG I loved meat and would lookforward to a nice bit of steak or roast chicken, now I cannot stand the smell of it being cooked as makes me feel very :puke: and I don't like the taste.

when I do eat I can only eat about half a normal portion as I feel too stuffed, I have tried eating little and often and it has helpped a lot so give it a try.

I'm the same with meat - and food in general really.

I've lost a stone over the last 13 weeks! I've even gone down a dress size, all i really manage to eat is salt & vinegar crisps and vegetables (not together :lol: )

Also, thought I had overcome the m/s - but just had the worst morning ever!
Yeah.. I lose count of the number of times I eat in a day.. unfortunately I have a rather unusual allergy and can't eat raw fruit or veg, or I'd be carrying half a fruit basket in my handbag at the moment.

Meat seems to settle my morning sickness for a while.. far more than the carbs the books recommend.. while I really want milk and cheese, but it makes the sickness worse. And though I used to find fish made me a bit dodgy I keep getting impromptu (kids sized :roll: ) fish suppers and I'm finding they really help too.

The main problem is I hate grazing, especially as my options for healthy snacks are pretty limited (even dried fruit is a bit iffy) but at the moment it's all i seem to be able to do. It also really winds me up because my O/H is suffering for it - we're not doing proper sized meals so he's having BIG snacks to make up for missing the proper food. So feeling pretty guilty alongside the bloated/starved mix.
I have stopped having a proper meal that i would have every day...i just had a jacket potato for tea and it was plenty...I often feel like i could eat a horse but then start eating and don't want 1/2 of it...

I have found the little and often works best for me.

I also try and eat nutrious food miday as that the time I am most likely to keep it down.

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