Funny food fads?


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Hi all - just wondering if anyone is having the same probs as me with food. I've always been a good eater and have probably loved eating a bit tooooooo much :oops: but this pg deal is really confusing me on the food front. I only found out I was pg on Fri so I've avoided morning sickness so far which is wonderful but now I think about it I've really struggled eating anything in the evenings for a couple of weeks.

Worst offenders seem to be anything I've cooked myself. I can manage cereal and most types of bad-for-me takeaway food but anything like cooked chicken or fish or veggies is making me feel really nauseous. Once I've cooked it and plated it up, no matter how hungry I felt 10 mins ago, I simply can't put it near my mouth..... Anyone else having funny food fads?
Yes, and its starting to get me down. I've always had a healthy appetite and never a fussy eater, but for 5 weeks now I've been surviving on bread and the occasional bowl of cereal. I even made my favourite (Chicken Korma) the other night and couldn't even put it near my mouth! The thought of meat makes me want to :puke: I went to Tesco the other day and they have a hot food counter which I could smell even before I walked in. I just did my shopping as quick as possibl so I could get out of there! I can't face cooking because of the smell.

I spoke to my midwife and she said its ok as long as I drink plenty, which is hard because I've gone off most drinks too!
i have to have everyting very mild like currys and alike
also eggs not matter how they are cooked
at the start i was funny towards everything but big-macs that thankfully has passed now and can eat most things
i think its why your hormones are balancing out your body and tastebuds do funny things
manda xx

iv been very funny with food and esp stuff ive cooked myself, i just feel sick looking at it, noodles and pot noodles seem to have helped me survice cos they are hot, filling and quick but not very nutritious but as long as you take a vitamin and drink lots of fluid i think it is ok, just go with what you feel like and try and get hubby to cook, it makes a difference, try not to look at it or smell it and stand outside when they cook, this has helped me...oh and suck peppermint when they are cooking
take care
hi bumpmakes3 im exactly the same i dnt hve no problem with cereals n im basically living on take aways :- chinease, mcDonalds , burgerking dominos. im eating lots of chocolate. and sometimes a biscuit or too. by the time this pregnancy is over i no i would have gained about 5 stone lol x
i've not been too bad but the last few days i've been really looking forward to my dinners, then i eat them and they taste yuck :( it's so dissapointing :(

who said chicken korma? mmmmm :cheer:

welshsarah4eva said:
hi bumpmakes3 im exactly the same i dnt hve no problem with cereals n im basically living on take aways :- chinease, mcDonalds , burgerking dominos.

Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy or at least tolerate non takeaway foods soon. These food fads seem to pass with most people anyways, so at least our appetite comes back. I had a few weeks of only being able to tolerate bland carb/starchy foods but am now back to more fresh fruit, veg and lean meats etc. I feel so much better for it also. I was feeling really bloated and bleh eating so many carbs and starchy food it was getting depressing.
i was put off chicken and turkey and still dont like it. kinda went off mincemeat also but can eat that. i deffo went off coffee and couldnt drink it but can now and could at end of preg. know its a drink too ;) :p

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