

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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did any one or will any one be flying in early pregnancy. i got my bfp yesterday due to go away in 2 weeks wil be just over 6 weeks when i go. i have had 3mc and no reason has been found for these. i spoke to hospital today and she said its fine for me to fly and she just sort of said what will be will be but am still worried bout it. i cant not go cos its for my mums birthday and my dad has paid for it all but just wondering if any one else or any one did fly xx
I flew at about 4/5 weeks pregnant then again a week later and was fine xx (didn't know I was preg either lol x)
Flying doesn't pose any dangers. Most airlines just have guidelines for later on in pregnancy in case of early labour. I flew to Spain at 2 months pregnant & Dublin at 5 months pregnant with no problems at all.

Sunnyb xxx
I did, I had a few days in Benidorm when I was 'newly' pregnant - no problems from it :D
I went to egypt - 5 hour flight when i was about 5 months and i actually enjoyed flying more than i usually do! x

Flying is fine - i flew to Thailand when i was 6 weeks pregnant, and was fine, My dr just told me to make sure you keep moving lots, and drink lots of flying the end of this week too to vietnam now 14 weeks.

Ive had to plan my flight home (im in Singapore) as i want to be home to get settled etc, and am flying at 20 weeks - i think most airlines allow you to fly up to 36 weeks if you have had no complications.

Ive been told not to worry about any of this - so go enjoy!!
we're hopefully planning a wee trip to spain in april/may so I'll be about 3/4 months by then. I'm usually fine flying and don't think its bad for baby. I guess the only thing is if you get air sickness it might be 10x worse than usual when combined with morning sickness. Good luck. xx
Yayyyyyy Huge congrats Hayley!!!! Best news ever , can't believe it, made my day....

Wishing you a happy and healthy FULL 9 months hun, you so deserve it after all you have been through.

Think flying is only not recomended in really late pregnancy - enojy you trip x

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