Flying Worries


Active Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Hi Everyone

Happy New Year! I'm off to Fuerteventura on the 24th January for a weeks break with my family. We're flying with Ryan Air and I think the flight is about 4 hours long. Has anyone got any tips of words of warning regarding the Airline or what to do on the flight regarding sitting, clothing, footwear. I am a bit nervous as i don't do a lot of flying so any good or bad experience info would be great to hear.
I will be 26 weeks when I fly so I understand I don't need a Doctors letter?
lucky you. you will prob need a letter as your not supposed to fly in the 3rd trimester.
On the plane wear lose clothing and remeber to keep your legs movin often getting up to walk etc.
All I can say is go and have a wonderful time..........being on holiday whilst pregnant is fantastic - especially as you dont have to loose weight to look good in your bikini!!

I flew to Cyprus during the 2nd Trimester, also with a budget airline - all I will say is with Ryanair its worth paying the extra for "priority boarding" its only a few pounds but means you get to board the flight first and hence pick your seat - if you havent flown with Ryanair before, then be warned there is no seat allocation - so its like boarding a bus/train, ie you can sit where you like!

Just get up and stretch a few times, and make sure you drink plenty of water........a 4 hour flight wont do you any harm at all, and I personally wouldnt hesitate in going on holiday again whilst pregnant!

Have a great holiday :D
I've just come back from Rome with Ryanair, and it was all OK. I took my MAT B form from my MW with me to prove I was just 25 weeks in case they questioned it, but no one batted an eyelid.

The Italian Ryanair staff were lovely and told me when we were checking in that I should go to the front of the queue at the gate as I was 'with baby'. I said i hadn't booked priority seating but she said 'it's OK - you are with baby, we let you on without booking priority for sure!'. So I did - although I would've been miffed had I paid for it as they let us onto the bus first, then everyone else piles onto the bus and then it's a free-for-all to get on the plane! One man who had paid extra was a bit cross.

I'd say it's worth a try though!

Enjoy your hols!
I just flew with BA but the flight was only just over an hour. I got a letter from my MW just in case. I was only 23 weeks when I flew out but wanted to be sure.

The flight itself was fine although I felt a little sick which has never happened to me before. I think the advice about loose clothing and moving your legs is perfect really.

On the way home the check in guy was laughing and joking with my daughter and seemed the sort to appreciate a joke so when he asked 'and how many weeks are you?' I said ' Are you saying I'm fat?'

His face was a picture and he was stuttering bless him! I did say 25 weeks pretty quickly to put him out of his misery! :rotfl:

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