Flying at 30 weeks fly to NZ via Malysia or LA? Dilemma


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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I am having a hard time deciding whether to fly home via Malaysia or LA to New Zealand. I will be nearly 30 weeks when we fly. Because it's such a long flight I have been recommended to stop over somewhere for 3-6 nights to let my body rest after the long haule flight. Malaysia is by far the cheapest option, but I am worried I will stress about the food I am eating and getting bitten by mosquitos which could have dengue fever. On the plus side it will be nice and relaxing! LA is going to be much more expensive to fly via and we really would like every extra penny to go towards the baby, however there wont be the stress of worrying about the food I am eating. But LA will not be so relaxing on my body as it's a very busy place!
I need to book my flights after my scan on Thursday if I get the ok that everything is good for me to fly.

Any suggestions please? :) x
Personally I have chosen not to fly at all during pregnancy but I certainly wouldn't do a long haul flight.

I have never been 30 weeks pregnant BUT based on how I feel now I couldn't do it :shock: (and I've had a lovely pregnancy thus far!)

How far gone will you be when you fly back?

You may need to get your Dr to sign you off!

Also I'd got for the option that is "safer" (so LA - even though I'd much prefer to go to Malaysia!)

I will be 30 weeks when I fly. I don't have a choice as we want to move back to NZ where all my family and friends are for when I give birth so I have a good support network as I don't have many people here I know.
It will def be a tough flight I am not looking forward to it. I have to take an injection to thin my blood.

Oh I see hun, you are taking a one way flight back home!!

I misunderstood...

I'd opt for LA personally

Some airlines will require a doctors line to carry you so make sure you have that before booking and request a bulked seat for extra room xx
Hi, I'm with Carnat... Iv chosen not to fly either. You will probably need a note from your doctor. I'd say LA too... You cousld stay in your hotel room, avoid the hustle and bustle. You know the food will be safer, and there is no language barrier. Is there no way you could go home any earlier?xx
I would love to go home earlier but we can't afford too. As long as I have a doctors note a can fly up to 34 weeks pregnant. I really pray I get bulk head seating. I will die otherwise! I don't think they will give me exit seats though for safety reasons.

They won't give you an exit but you should get a bulkhead seat- make sure you request it nice and early and get doc to specify you need one xx
They won't give you an exit but you should get a bulkhead seat- make sure you request it nice and early and get doc to specify you need one xx

Oh yes I will talk to the doctor about that. Thanks :) x
Go for LA. Malaysia is a wonderful place but it does have some risks.
Blood thinner will protect you from DVT so the only thing that you will have to worry will be to make yourself comfortable if even possible...
Drink loads of water, get up to walk around at any occasion and compression shocks may stop your legs from terribly swelling. Try to stay away from salty things for the same reason :)
Good luck, I suppose you are excited :)
Go for LA. Malaysia is a wonderful place but it does have some risks.
Blood thinner will protect you from DVT so the only thing that you will have to worry will be to make yourself comfortable if even possible...
Drink loads of water, get up to walk around at any occasion and compression shocks may stop your legs from terribly swelling. Try to stay away from salty things for the same reason :)
Good luck, I suppose you are excited :)

I am excited to get home to the family and friends. And then I will acutally be able to start organising for the babys arrival :) I have just asked flight centre to request bulk seats for me. They said to get a letter form my doctor but that it should will still be offered to travellers with children first. Fingers crossed for some free bulk head seats :) I wear the stockings always on long flights as my legs swell even when not pregnant:roll:

Hi Hun,

I've just flown at 22 weeks and it was fine, it was only short haul but no probs at all, i'll be flying at 34 weeks short haul too and that's been okayed by my high risk doc.:)

Hi Hun,

I've just flown at 22 weeks and it was fine, it was only short haul but no probs at all, i'll be flying at 34 weeks short haul too and that's been okayed by my high risk doc.:)


That's good to hear hun! I have done 6 short haul flights since getting pregnant and they were ok still made me pretty tired though. I am dreading the x2 13hour flights. But it has to be done! I requested bulk head seats today but they said to get a letter from my doctor. xxx

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