Flu vaccination


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I have just read an article about pregnant women being offered the flu injection as of next winter due to unborn babies being at risk from the virus.

I assumed that pregnant women were already in the 'at risk' group and I'm disappointed that now I will not be able to have the injection. I suffer with the flu every year guaranteed and I'm concerned as baby is due in February!

What do you all think about this? Would you have the injection if it was offered to you?
Not sure, I wont be able to have it any way as my baby is due in 9 weeks but id have to look into a great deal before having the injection if it was offered to me. Id want to be 100% sure it was safe and that there was no risk of side effects etc
I have to say prolly not..from what i've heard you get symptoms of the flu with the injection so baby would be exposed to it then.
yeah i think i would be inclined to wait til the babys born before i had this, i don't expect they have done much research on it yet.

i would ask your GP/midwife if you want to know more.
I had it offered to me because of my asthma but then my GP said it's not wise to have innoculations during pregnancy.
A week later I read that article that you read Mermaid.
So, not sure what to think?!
I'm just going to sit tight and hope I don't catch it.
I was wondering about this too!!!

have you thought about gettin it done elsewere?

my local asda does it for £12!!! and i kno boots are doing it too..

just a htought xx
there was something on the news about this last week they were saying anyone ttc or already pregnant should be vaccinated as flu can bring on early labour :shock: asked at my gp surgery and was advised to ask my midwife :think: not really sure about it all to be honest xxx
Has anybody had the jab? I was thinking of asking my doctor about it but would rather find out more about any risks first.
I have it every year because of my asthma, and I actually had it last year in the week in between Xmas and New Year (when I should have had it in October, I actually already had the flu! :roll: ). Then I got my BFP on New Years Day. I was worried, but my gp told me that everything would be okay and the jab wouldn't effect the pregnancy at all. Charlie is living proof of that.
I have it every year because I have bronchial asthma and history of pneumonia. I will be having it this year too because getting real flu will do they baby more harm than the vaccine. I am at high risk of getting flu, so to me I wouldnt even consider not having it.
I'm still not sure what to do as I have no health problems but don't want flu either while I'm pregnant. :roll:
I saw my MW the next day after the press release came out, she said all the MWs and DRs were mad about it because they didn't know it was going to come out.

The press said that there was increased risk of childhood luekaemia if you had flu while pregnant and therefore all PG women should get the injection.

She said it was outrageous scaremongering and I tend to agree.

Personally I would rather not have it during my PG, or even at any other time.

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