I refused this and very glad I did. Everybody has differing opinions on it but I researched an awful lot and the benefits just didn't outweigh the risks for me. Plus no safety studies on pregnant women or fetus. The jab itself isn't safe for babies or small children yet all the harmful toxins pass through the placenta to baby, so you are basically injecting them too.
The flu jab is the one that still contains mercury as well as many other harmful toxins (most of which the body cannot filter out and contribute greatly to the rise in autoimmune disease and cancer not just in us but our pets too). Why avoid certain fish and external toxins if your just going to inject it straight into your body?
Many adults react badly to the flu vaccine, it has yet to be proven effective, flu strain changes and mutates each year so how do they know which strains to include before the flu season even starts? There are hundreds of flu strains (not to mention the flu like viruses that are not vaccinated for) and the vaccine only contains 3 of the known strains. So it's pretty pointless in my opinion.
Also I'm not sure about the whole 'pass immunity onto your baby' lark. If you could pass antibodies to baby as easily as that before birth, surely every illness you have become immune to through your life, be it natural immunity from having a desease or getting vaccinated for everything, baby would be born with all that immunity, would never end up with chicken pox, measels, any cold or flu you already had and would never require any vaccines as you already had them and baby has your immunity against them?
I dont know, it just doesn't make any sense to me. I did question my midwife and nurse a lot about it and nobody could give me any answers or put me at ease so I refused.
Last year when I was pregnant everybody in the family including DH had the flu, I didn't get the jab, was compromised by being pregnant and was the only one who managed to avoid it.
Look at the swine flu vaccine for instance, caused far more problems than flu itself and killed many people (a lot of jabs do but it's always covered up), it was never thoroughly tested. They are tested for the most part whilst in use which makes us the guinipigs, then when bad reactions occur and are reported they are manipulated and covered up for company benefit and continue to be pushed for as long as they can get away with even if there's no real benefit.
There was a company this year who was sued for not being able to provide a single vaccine safety study for the last 30years!!! Yet we are still told they are 'safe and effective'...
Shortly after that I descovered most of the so called safety studies are purposely altered and manipulated to make drugs seem safe so that doctors approve them for use in their practice. So really, many Dr's and nurses don't know the truth about how safe or not drugs and vaccines are either.
Many things used to be recommended in pregnancy e.g smoking, xrays, certain drugs etc all now deamed dangerous. But at that time Dr's recommended them and people took their advice thinking it was the best option and dangers weren't realised by public until further down the line and many lives were already badly effected.
You obviously wouldn't do those now even if Dr advised it.
There are thousands of diseases out there, we only vaccinate against a few, so why do we only fear getting the few that are vaccinated against and not all the others despite them being as and more dangerous and also as common?
The vaccine schedule here has increased tenfold over the last 30 years or so, yet the public are getting sicker and not better off? My neighbour just turned 100, NEVER had a vaccine and is one of the healthiest and most active people I have come accross. She will be one of the rare few who get to pass peacefully in their sleep.
How many vaccines did you have as a child? Our babies are now expected to have a total of around 38 (it's been a while since I counted so give or take) by the time they are only 12months old!!! I bet that first year alone is more than twice what you had in your lifetime. Would you go and get that many vaccines within a year now as an adult? Are you worse off for getting less than that as a child? No. Are you fully up to date with the current vaccine schedule (had all the jabs your baby will have) Nope. And do you fear not being? Probably not.
The best thing you can do to prevent and fight flu or any other illness is simply to eat as well as you can and get enough exercise to nourish your body and keep a healthy immune system.
Use your own intuition and do what you feel best.
Don't listen to me, don't listen to anybody else, take everything with a pinch of salt and do your own research to make your own choice. But to do thorough research you have to dig and dig deep. All the actual studies are there if you look hard enough.
Just make yourself as informed as possible, question the health professionals and ask for actual package inserts rather than a leaflet so you can be reassured you are making the right decision either way