First timer scan appointment question


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Hi everyone, I'm a bit confused about my appointments and was hoping someone could help me clear things up.

I've been waiting to hear from the hospital regarding my 1st scan appointment, but also, because I have arthritis, I've been referred to obstetrician, so have been waiting to hear about that too.

A letter has arrived from the obstetrics clinic with a named consultant. I've got to take my notes, an early morning wee sample and a full bladder, and to expect to spend 2-3 hours in the clinic.

Is this just the scan, just the consultant, or both together? I'm assuming that it's both? It sounds like a really stupid question but I just want to make sure, if you know what I mean.

It's not until the 14th so it seems like AGES away!

Thanks for your help x
hi, I've just had my scan and Im under consultant care too. I had it all together, I had my scan 1st then saw the consultant. I presume it will be the same but you never know because different hospitals seems to do different things ! I was there around an hour and a half bt guess depends on how busy the clinic is. Hope this helps.
I had a scan last Monday and the letter said that I was to take a urine sample ahve a full bladder and also that it could take 2 hours for my appointment and I am a green pathway pregnancy so not sure if this is just for the scan or both your appointments, I have another scan on Thursday cant wait!! x
I can't believe I'm going to be 13+5 by the time I have my first scan :o( Not fair!

I'm also pretty convinced that they're going to move my due date forward which will take me over the 14 week mark!
So exciting to get your scan finally - good luck on the 14th X
I'm presuming the reason they're askinf for the full bladder is for a scan hun :) x
Thanks for all the replies! I think I'm happy with my assumption that it's going to be both appointments together. It makes sense to do that.

Thanks again x

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