First midwife appointment tomorrow, excited!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
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Finally got my first midwife appointment tomorrow and I'm very excited! Got my scan next Friday which is even more exciting! Seems like I have been waiting forever for these appointments to come but I'm nearly there now and just wanted to share my excitement!

Yay, had mine last week and felt really excited after. Still waiting on a scan date tho :( so wanna see my baby now, still feeling really un pregnant and need to see it to believe it lol xx
aw :) I've got my first scan next fri too... exciting times hehehe xxx
Congrats! I have my first midwife appointment today at 10.50am! :D
Good luck! Very exciting times. Look forward to seeing a pic of you LO xx
:yay: How exciting hun!! Hope it goes well hun :) We've booked a private scan for when I'm 8 weeks :D so less than 3 weeks to go, can't wait x x
Thanks ladies. Appointment was good, went through lots of questions on medical history of myself, oh and our families. Got my little maternity folder with all my notes in to take with me to all my appointments. Can't wait for my scan next week now, think that will make it feel that much more real. x
I got frustrated to begin with as well waiting for appointments etc to come through but once they come it's so exciting!! good luck :D xx
Glad everything went well hon; so exciting for you to now have your scan next week :) xx
Glad to hear everything went well for you hun!

Just to wait on your 12 week scan now :D xx
I'm really glad your mw appointment was good hun :) roll on next week :D x x
Thanks ladies, I'm wishing time away now until next Friday! x
Tell me about it our scan is on the 26th and |I am counting down the days.... seems ages away!! Glad your first appointment went well xx
Ours is on 25th and it seems like an age away. Hubby bday is on 29th though so it'll be a nice early bday prezzie for him :)

Glad to hear all went well at ur appt today x

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