first time using OPK and CD16 and no smiley face???????!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Hey girlies,

Wondered if anyone had used Clearblue OPK and had no sign of OV at all? I'm on 26-28 day cycle and sure I ovulated around CD13-14 but after using all 7 sticks starting on CD16 and having to buy another pack last night I still have no smiley face!!! Me and hubby have made sure to BD every other day anyhow but its getting to both of us now!

I've read on internet that you can have some cycles where you just DON'T ov??!!

Any advice would be mucho appreciated as I really thought we'd tried so hard this month!

Hey :wave:

If your cycle is 26-28 days & only used the OPKs from CD16 then you may of actually missed your surge

With your cycle lengths & if regularly this long then I'd start using OPKs from CD10/11

Hey Hun ,

I agree with kezza! You could have a longer lutual and ov earlier than Cd16

Good luck


Sorry girls, I meant I'd started using them on CD9 like the leaflet told me to!!!
Hey, what day did you get darkest line on OPK?
its a digital one so i don't see any lines, it just has a round empty circle if it hasn't picked up my LH surge and a smiley face if it has! As of yet I have had big fat blanks!!!????
Did you keep the sticks though Hun?

You can see the lines..

Og god really? HAHA..great success....I think on a couple of them i had faint lines....its a bit of a rip off because generally you would (in a moment of desperation) be looking for that :) but I never once had a smily face throughot the whole cycle, so my answer was to "do it" as much as possible!
You should be able to see the blue lines on the test stick when you eject it from the holder! If you look in the OPK testing gallery, i have put my CBD ones there are you can see the blue lines, think maybe has her pics in there too.
Did you keep the sticks though Hun?

You can see the lines..


Maybe is right hun, even if you didn't get that smiley face your be able to see the comparison in lines

If you look in the OPK gallery you will see that the OPKs are enough to drive you insane

Some of us gets lines as dark or darker then the control line & some of us don't, depends on your hormone level, have concentrated your urine is & how many you do a day as the surge can happen extremely quickly

If you have :bd: lots then your still in with a chance

Same thing happened to me when I used cbd, no smiley face and didn't know about the lines.
Hey girls, thanks for all your help on this. I havent kept them but i know they all had one dark blue line, no other lines though. Does this mean i have ovulated or if there is two does this mean i have? Bloody things doing my head in! Think i will jump the hubby tonight but now on CD17 2moro of a 26 day cycle, do u think i could OV much later?? I do have a VERY bloaty belly today and a little CM............may try testing tonight? what do u think?


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