First midwife appointment


Apr 12, 2010
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Hi all,

My OH has her first midwife appointment on Tuesday (10 weeks). What should we expect from this first appointment, and more to the point, do dads-to-be generally go to these with them? I really don't mind either way and I don't think my OH is bothered either way. The first scan is obviously a bit different...(which I presume will be arranged at this appointment?)

My first appointment was all about paperwork and getting the family history, working out dates and just a chit chat, my OH was there, i wanted him there and he wanted to be there.

As for the scan, i had to fill a form in and give it to my gp and then i got a letter through the post, the form was filled in weeks before the midwife appointment

Hope this helps :)
At my first appointment (which was not my booking appointment, that was actually the 2nd appointment) I was given lots of forms to complete at home and bring back the next time. The MW booked my first scan at this appointment too.

The MW asked me a few questions about exercise, smoking etc. It wasn't that exciting to be honest. My OH didn't come with me and I didn't feel afterwards that he needed to be there either.
I whent on my own as well, nothing exciting really happens during these appointments. Scan is obviously different. As the others said, its mostly just paperwork.
Thanks all. It sounds like I should probably save my holidays for when I'm needed more. I'm also sure that it will be my job to fill in all of the forms :roll:. I suppose it's the least I could do...
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Dh came with me and the midwife spoke to us both about everything- he said he was really pleased he came because he now really feels part of everything.
My OH had to make a swift exit with DD when my mw arrived-it was a home visit-as we hadn't told her at that point! I don't react well to needles and my own blood so I would of liked him to be there as I fainted on the poor mw after she'd taken my blood! As for the rest it was just paperwork where my mw asked me questions and filled in the forms. I recieved my scan appointment in the post about 2 weeks after booking in appointment. I would probably save your holidays for things like scans unless your OH really wants you there x congratulations to you both x x
yes my oh said he woud of come to mine but i said he didnt have to and to save his holidays my midwife going to book a home visit appointment around his shifts so he can be there next time x
I'd say save your holidays, your OH just needs to know about thing like allergies/diabetes that run in your side of the family but that's all they need from you at this point :P You've done the important bit lol!!
I would save your holidays, my first appointment was pointless - not even any paperwork! The MW said, was there any reason in particular you have come to see me, you dont need to see a MW until your booking in appointment. She gave us some info on diet and told me about being rhesus negative ( i already knew my blood type).

I would say definately go to the scans and the 16week appointment, as you hear babies heartbeat then - OH loves listening to it.

My local hospital has a saturday morning and evening clinic, i book mine there so i dont have to take time off work, you dont have to go to your assigned MW every time unless you want to.

I presume this is our booking in appointment and therefore paperwork will be necessary. I've also read that they will do blood tests and a smear test? My OH hates (and I mean HATES) having a smear done (but I'm sure all women do). She's been twice in the last 6 months and both times they have "insufficient information" to determine any results. If a smear is the norm then I will be going with her for moral support.

Becky, you say I've done the most important bit. Well those two minutes were a breeze compared with the morning sickness I'm trying to help my OH with right now!

(Not really two minutes of course.....more like three)
I didn't have a smear test, I don't know if anyone else did?

I had blood taken though :)
My OH came with me to my first appointment which was to work out dates and stuff. I'd already had an ultrasound to check everything was ok as I'd bled. I'm glad he came with me, because I had blood taken and was told about what to expect when you're having triplets. I had a ton of forms to fill out and give back, but apart from that there was nothing REALLY important that OH would have missed. The only thing would maybe have been the what to expect information. But then I guess you'll find out sooner or later!! hehe! I would probably save my holidays for scans and stuff though if you only have a certain amount xx
I didnt have a smear, I wouldn't imagine they'd do that? I could be wrong though haha
They do smears in the USA I think but not in the uk x I didn't have a smear last time until DD arrived and haven't had one this time x x
I was due to have a smear test, but they said I could not have one when pregnant. So I doubt they will give her one.
^^^ same here, mine was due and they wouldnt do it cos Im pregnant.
my dh came to almost all of mine i think it helps to be a part of it also dont know if this is for all pregnant women but i was very forgetful so helped him being there if they do the paperwork and history there would be helpful for you to be there so you could give your family history but you dont have to be there
Well I went to the midwife appointment this morning as my OH wanted me there and I'm glad I did. There was a lot to remember, but also my brother has got a blood disorder which slightly affected his bone growth so the midwife wanted as much detail about that as possible which my OH would not have been able to give. I/We've been referred to a Fetal Care Unit just to discuss the implications. I have to get all the medical terminology from my brother first!

No smear test was done. The midwife suggested a smear test a couple of months after birth and that a smear test would only take place during pregnancy if there was a chance of abnormal cells, etc. This pleased the OH no end! The blood test didn't bother her in the slightest but I must confess that I did have to look away...god help me if I need blood tests at the FCU!

Thanks to all who have given me their input. Much appreciated.

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