I didn't have bloods taken at first appointment but they did weigh me and check blood pressure and I gave a urine sample. Went through a load of questions about background - do you smoke? drink? dietary requirements? allergies? mw gave me a list of medical conditions - heart disease, diabetes, etc (can't remember them all) and asked if I'd had them or if my immediate family had any of them. she also went through the advice from pregnancy booklet - foods to avoid, what to expect at different stages - twinges, aches, that sort of thing and what to do if I had any concerns - highlighted numbers to call in an emergency, etc. Took 40mins I reckon (a while ago so can't be sure on that - expect it to take between 40mins and an hour) Got my 12-week scan date through about a week later. Try not to be disappointed if it's closer to 13 weeks than 12. I was raging at this when I read the letter -- that extra week felt like a prison sentence, lol -- but in the grand scheme of things it's no time at all. xxx