First early scan - doesn't sound right.

as they're so tiny it is hard to measure them at that gestation. I wouldn't worry and you'll be suprised how different things look next scan :)
Are they referring to 6 weeks from last period date, or 6 weeks from conception date? That 2 week difference could confuse things.

When did you last do a digi test? Might be worth trying another if its been a couple of days xx
I know how scary it is hun but worrying so much isn't going to do you or baby any good. Unfortunately there is nothing to do but wait, the epu can't confirm all is well or not until the next scan. If you are going to mc there is nothing you can do to stop it or change it or make it happen any quicker. Unfortunately pregnancy is completely out of our hands and we have to rely on our bodies to do its thing, whatever the outcome.

I had a missed mc before my boys found out at 11wks but the epu couldn't do anything until they could confirm it had stopped at 5wks (even though I had a bfp 9wks before) so had to wait, then they saw the yolk sac which they didn't previously so again I was made to wait another week, I miss carried at 13wks naturally but it was incomplete so 8wks after that the hospital finally gave me an erpc op to finalise the mc for me. In all from finding out to getting the op was 11wks and it was absolute hell. So I can understand why you are so scared, but I do believe all could be fine with your bean and they are slow at getting started xx
Are they referring to 6 weeks from last period date, or 6 weeks from conception date? That 2 week difference could confuse things.

When did you last do a digi test? Might be worth trying another if its been a couple of days xx

Would a digi decrease, or just stay the same if something happened?
Actually, I don't know - they said "6 weeks gestation". But the 5mm goes along with everything else online, to be fair xx
They would not lie to you hun i was told simply my pregnancy was not viable that by now a embryo should be seen but I had nothing at all and at the point id gladly have taken the 1mm. I was 7 weeks by my dates and they dated me 5 weeks. I cried and said no its wrong I'm so sick ect and was told that at 7 weeks a baby should be there with a beating heart. I was heartbroken to be told so coldly my pregnancy was failing. They don't try and be nice. Due to the guidelines I had to be re scanned 10 days later to confirm no growth. I was actually scanned 8 days later and had a 7mm baby with a beating heart.
So in 8 days he grew from nothing to 7mm and by my 12 week scan he measured a week ahead. It's so early and they grow so fast you need to relax before you drive yourself crazy.
The thing with the Internet is people only post the bad news and that's what you find when you Google people rarely post good news. Every pregnancy is different and every baby grows at different rates xxx
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Unfortunately, pregnancy tests are not always a good indicator that all is progressing.

I had lovely progressively dark lines and my digis went up but I had a mmc.

There really is nothing you can do but try and stay as calm as you can until your next scan.

Pregnancy is such a worry, early pregnancy in particular. Babies all grow at such different rates in the first 12 weeks, I'm sure your lil one will be just fine.

all sounds ok to me ,Its hard not to worry I uderstand that !! hold tight x
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Noahs 5+6 week scan they measured sac size as there was no embryo. X
Bah, I don't know the sac size.... but thank you babyslog. Did they say that was normal?

Does anyone know whether a digi test would decrease in weeks if the pregnancy stopped?
Should I book some blood tests in the mean time? I'm not sure how to go about that or what I should ask for (my surgery is useless and I usually have to wait so long for appointments)
Blood tests aren't going to actually do anything though, are they? I mean, from a medical perspective bloods are taken when they are needed for diagnosis of a medical condition or whatever - or in some cases when there's history of pregnancy problems or something. They know you are pregnant. You have had an early scan and can take reassurance from the fact that your baby is in the right place - no risk of ectopic - which is pretty much all they can do at this early stage. A blood test won't stop you from losing your baby. It won't make you feel better even if you're told your levels are rising the way they should be, because it's clear from your post that you're stressing massively over this. So if/when they do a blood test you will find something else to worry about. Early pregnancy is terrifying - so I really do get that sense of worry you have, but you will have a miserable pregnancy if you don't find a way to chill out a bit hunni. You've finally got your long-awaited bfp. Please try to enjoy this. You are going to be a mummy - scans only provide temporary relief/reassurance from all the worry - it can be so easy to slip into "what if..." mode even after being told all is well. The long-term strategy is to focus on the positives over and over again till you start believing it - you're going to be a mum - and only deal with the negative stuff if you really have to. We could all dwell on the what ifs, but we have to train ourselves to enjoy our pregnancies and be thankful for what we've waited so long to have! xxx
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A digi would decrease as it detects level of hormones, but if you wanted to go down the tracking hormonal route (which is only thing you can do before HB is visable) then I would go with the bloods.

I got my first reading HCG of 2451 they told me at that point they had hoped to have seen sac etc which they hadnt seen, got more bloods 2 days later they dropped to 887 so for me it was confirmed one way or the other.

Bloods and if your doing a digi/testing faintness of lines theyr usually done 2 days appart. But I really wouldnt go solely on a pregnancy test for a hormonal reading.

A digi would decrease as it detects level of hormones, but if you wanted to go down the tracking hormonal route (which is only thing you can do before HB is visable) then I would go with the bloods.

I got my first reading HCG of 2451 they told me at that point they had hoped to have seen sac etc which they hadnt seen, got more bloods 2 days later they dropped to 887 so for me it was confirmed one way or the other.

Bloods and if your doing a digi/testing faintness of lines theyr usually done 2 days appart. But I really wouldnt go solely on a pregnancy test for a hormonal reading.


Do you remember how quickly you received blood results back?

Second reply "You wouldn't see an embryo at only 1mm Kitty. Kind Regards"

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As crap as it is... Youll just have to wait it out
Bottom line is... Knowing either way... Theres nothing you can do
Your body will do its own thing and you just need to hope it knows what its doing for the best x
A digi would decrease as it detects level of hormones, but if you wanted to go down the tracking hormonal route (which is only thing you can do before HB is visable) then I would go with the bloods.

I got my first reading HCG of 2451 they told me at that point they had hoped to have seen sac etc which they hadnt seen, got more bloods 2 days later they dropped to 887 so for me it was confirmed one way or the other.

Bloods and if your doing a digi/testing faintness of lines theyr usually done 2 days appart. But I really wouldnt go solely on a pregnancy test for a hormonal reading.


Do you remember how quickly you received blood results back?

Second reply "You wouldn't see an embryo at only 1mm Kitty. Kind Regards"


Yeah the first lot i went on the wednesday morning i was scanned and bloods back the following mornin over the phone and as they were 2451 that didnt match the scan i had the day before. She did see something on .y scan but couldnt confirm. The friday I was booked back in for a scan on the Friday, bloods did at like 830am and i got them back that afternoon.

I know the labs at our hospital can put a rush on bloods and they are did within 4 hours.

So basically between Wednesday and Friday I got 2 scans, two lots of bloods and a definitive answer.

My case was diff though as i mc due to having coil in. So dont be scared. It is really hard to tell.

I do know when my first result was given and the MW says at that stage we would hope to see.. I got a bit of hope and googled and found that actually alot of ladies hcg was at 3000 and still no sac then went the following week and all was well. I hoped this was my case, sadly not. I hope everythings fine, please try not panic!!!

There would be no point booking a private scan when u already have one booked with epu. Epu are telling u that they cant be sure and need to re-scan and a private place would tell u the same. I had a private scan last Nov when i should have been 8 weeks, they dated me at 5+6 which i knew was incorrect. They said i had to go back for another scan in 10 days, when i did things hadnt changed so they told me it wasnt viable. I then had to see GP for referral to epu, they scannned again and did bloods and finally 3-4 weeks after the first scan i was told it was a mmc and i had to have medical management.
In answer to the digi decreasing if something had gone wrong the answer is no it wouldnt, i still got a 3+ almost 2 wks after my mc, thats the thing with mmc - your body doesnt recognise it so hormone levels dont drop until u have treatment.
Personally i would never have a scan by choice at 6wks as things are so up in the air, there is every chance things could catch up by monday as lots of ladies have experienced.
With this pregnancy i went for a private scan i thought i was 8+2 they saw hb but dated me at 7+3 so thats 6 days out which seems a lot as i knew we only dtd once. By 12 wk scan i had caught up to what i thought, everything is tiny at that early stage and a mm or two is hard to be accurate with.
I hope it all goes ok, try to relax and let us know what happens x
Everyone is different, 2 weeks after my mc I have a BFN my hormones were dropping around 1000 hcg a day. I prib would have got a bfn sooner but I didnt want to test as I knew my out come.

A digi would eventually decrease when the hormones did but for some that is longer than others. Depending on how high or how far you are your hormone will take that bit longer. It doesnt disapear like next day thats why I advised bloods.

I imagine if I did a digi Id have got a 3+ weeks as I got to 5-6w, then a week later it would have says not pregnant so you would get an answer, just a hell of a wait for it.

I didnt find EPU atall comforting when I asked about my scan she says "your either really early or have mc" when I asked if the thing she seen was like attached to the uterine wall she just says "it was in the womb" they have no idea how significant each detail is, even when we cant do all that much about that. Of course we know that, doesnt stop us shitting ourself.

Working in a hospital too I know first hand that favours are constantly done, no waiting times for them.

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I worried myself sick over everything this pregnancy . My digis never progressed and I was convinced I would have a mc ... I spent a fortune obsessing , booked a private early scan and saw a fetus at 6 weeks measuring 5mm ... Then the day before my 12 week scan I had a huge bleed and passed huge clots , I was at work and came home hysterical because id had a miscarriage ....

My 12 week scan showed all was ok , by some miracle

But I'm still obsessing and its not good for me and I know there's nothing I can do to prevent it . I kept trying to tell myself that there was nothing that I could do even I the worst happens ,

I understand how hard it can be especially when its all you've wanted mines been 10 years . Please try and tell yourself " what will be will be" and rest , eat well and try and focus on a positive outcome

I had my early scan today and although 7 weeks today embryo is measuring 6w 3days. Ive had IVF so know exactly when it was conceived! The nurse told me it is nothing to worry about, it may have just implanted later than expected or it may just be a little behind. She has booked me in for another scan next week to check growth and she said it may have caught up by then as they grow quick at this stage. She reassured me that it is nothing to worry about and I saw its little heartbeat flickering away. Try not to worry hun im sure all is fine xx
We've talked about it, and we're both expecting the worst. I think that will help cushion the blow somewhat, if that's even possible, next week.
I have no symptoms, no sickness, no CM. I wish I could just get a definitive answer as to whether 1mm is the correct measurement at 6 weeks or just under.
We've talked about it, and we're both expecting the worst. I think that will help cushion the blow somewhat, if that's even possible, next week.
I have no symptoms, no sickness, no CM. I wish I could just get a definitive answer as to whether 1mm is the correct measurement at 6 weeks or just under.

Awww a kitty, try and stay positive our bodies are so different that googling for an answer is rarely reassuring x

As for no symptoms with both my kids I had nothing, no morning sickness, no frequent urination the only sigh I was pregnant was that I turned into a fatty xx

I bled terribly through my second pregnancy , full on heavy bleeding my daughter was born fine no problems at all so bleeding doesn't always mean bad news (though obviously should be checked)

Measurement wise I was scanned very early on they said similar..come back in a week. A week later the heartbeat was there flickering away.

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