First early scan - doesn't sound right.

I had a scan at 7 weeks, and was told that the baby measured 6 weeks, although I know exactly when I conceived. Which then obviously led to an anxiety trip on Google...

I think there are two things you need to try to remember, early measurements are often inaccurate, and imaging technology isn't perfect either...I think I read somewhere that measurements only really become reliable at around 10 weeks, so all might be well at the next scan.

Fingers crossed your baby will be fine! And enjoy your symptom-free days while they last...I was perfectly happy until about 6 weeks when the nausea hit.
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Hi Kitty, I don't know much about early scans etc but I just wanted to say that (like mrs_z) I had no symptoms for ages- I was constantly worrying that it could be going wrong. I only started to feel really poorly around 8 weeks, and then it was like I'd been hit by a bus! So try REALLY hard to think positively- I'm sure everything is fine, even though your mind will keep jumping to worst-case scenario. It's a bit of an anticlimax that so little actually happens after a BFP- i was so surprised that the Dr didn't do bloods and didn't even want to do a pregnancy test- the first thing was my booking-in at 11 weeks- it felt like such a long time to have no idea what was actually going on, and the relief I felt at my 12 week scan was unbelievable. Really hope you're ok- it's such a ldifficult time and I know how desperately you want everything to be ok- I'm sure it will be. Glad you have a good EPU! Xx
I had no symptoms either, apart from slightly sore boobs up to about 9 weeks. Didn't feel tired, I've had no sickness at all throughout the pregnancy, no skin changes, no bowel changes etc. I did tests at 7 and 8 weeks to keep checking and I was convinced at my 12 week scan that there wouldn't be anything to see! Every pregnancy is so different so the worst thing you can do is compare yourself to what others have experienced. I have had no cm either until last week (31 weeks) but even that's dried back up. You are so, so early on and don't forget at that early stage things are harder to measure. I'm sure that he or she will play catch up (IF they are small) when they are ready. Try enjoy being pregnant- you've waited such a long time xx
I was 3mm at around 6+4 hope everything works out for you x
Oh and the first scan the sac was empty, suspected ectopic, second scan a little dot no heartbeat, 3rd one 3mm with a heartbeat. Sometimes it's so hard to pick up so early on x

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